New member
live plants are always good for water quality - I like the clams thing, it's different and still practical (minus the greedy axolotls) fake plants are still good though - the more barriers the better, unless there's no room :3
I find no problems with keeping juvies in a 30gal - I used to keep mine in one when they were babies, now I use it as one of my quarantine tanks - you may want to keep it around after for that reason.
Tank invasion! I love when I get extra tank things that I didn't buy - the friendly critters are the funnest.
oh for sure, i still have 10 gal up and running... not sure what im gonna do with it yet. i have fake plants and java moss in there... hoping itll grow so i can put more in my axie tank. maybe put newts in there. maybe put crayfish or something. maybe use it as a guppie breeder for feeder fish. when i get a bigger tank, ill probably keep the 30 gal up and running and maybe find something unique for it.