My New Axolotl!

Thanks for the advise, I was also looking for a cave for her, but I couldn't find a nice one at the moment!

On the other hand, I just bought a filter today, I tried to put it but it seems that the water flow's too strong for axolotl, although I already set it as the lowest flow.
Here's the link for the video of the water flow:
This is the Filter I'm using now, I think the water speed's too fast, I'm so afraid that it will affect the health of my Axolotl!


Yes that seems alarmingly fast! I would check if there are ways to diffuse the water flow (a spray bar?). Is the filter designed for a tank of that size? Seems rather enormous but I can't tell its capacity. Can you hold off putting the filter back on again until someone with more knowledge than me can make some suggestions? At this speed you will stress your axolotl.
Yes! Thanks for your help, now I already set the water flow up on the surface, rather than flow downward. I think it helps a bit! The water movement in the basement's not strong now.
But I will still look for a better filter.
Ok! I just got a cave for my Axies...hehe...I hope she loves it!
And since I change the water flow upward to the water surface, she's being active again and swim around to look for meal!

Hello Amber,
Did you meant the cave? I just bought it downstairs, there's fish shop close to where I live, and I live in Hong Kong actually!

By the way, should I keep it like this to have only one exit for her or better keep it open both side of it? I'm wondering if she knows how to turn back and come out to breath the air...such a silly question I
1. The thermometers are alcohol now. If your axolotl smashes one, the alcohol could kill it. I don't keep a thermometer in my tank, but put one in when I need it.

2. The 'cave' is made of wood. This could rot, give rise to fungus, etc. Just keep an eye out for that. If it starts to look funny, take it out and wash it.

3. She'll find her way out. As she gets bigger though, you will need a larger tank, and I would put in more hides for her.

4. To baffle the filter a little, try pointing it at the wall, or tie some cotton or some other porous material to the outflow. This will make it not so strong.
Hi Joan S,
Thank you so much for the information, they are really helpful!
I think I will buy a digital thermometer soon, then it will be much safety, and my thermometer now's made by plastic, I think it could be better than the glass one.
The cave's actually made of something else, I'm not sure about the material, but it's just painted like a real!
Hi Morrissey

That filter looks like a shark brand, is it? We had one of those in one of our tanks. You shud be able to turn dial on top down to A which allows for very low flow but still retaining airation. I know when on the no.s flow was very fast. We changed our filter because it kept falling of the glass, the suction cups were too small to hold the size of the filter to the tank. Our axies would also knock it off by trying to cram themselves under it.
Hi Kapo,

Yeah, what you said's very true, the filter just keep falling down a bit sometimes, the suction cup's just to small to hold it.
My version's Shark PE 123, i read the booklet inside and my filter only got no.A to no.3 (no.A, no.0, no.1, no.2, no.3), but when i use no.3, the water flow will blow up to the water surface, so I guess it's the better choice, I'm not sure, but I'm trying to move the plastic pant in front of the water flow, so it may help a bit!

I must say, I really love everyone in this forum, all of you are very friendly and willing to help! Thanks a lot! I feel so warm!
I know the filter can be quite awkward = we had to tilt it on its side, sort of diagonal. Check your booklet, because it should show on there how much current flow and aeration for each no. and the letter. Or test it out moving the dial down gradually and check the current. The plastic plant won't really do much in front of the shark, unless you somehow tie it round the top part so it's in front of the "mouth" outlet.
After 2 weeks, I found that my axie's gills has grow up a lot! Here's some pictures of my little girl and the new cave for her!
joan S's Right! I finally found that the old cave's made by wood, so I took it out and replaced a new one.
I'm feeding shrimp to her these few days, she just LOVE it, spending a lot of time to chase them, and I can see that she lives much more comfortable now in my home!
Aww, what a beautiful axie with speckles

I used to own a filter that would always fall down because of crappy suction caps!!! It was really annoying!
i have the same type of 'log' but its defiantly not made out of wood.
Your tank looks great!
Have you thought about increasing the level of water in your tank? just to see if your axie likes more vertical room? I know my axie's love deeper water....
I just bought a 4ft tank so they will have alot more room soon

Regards Eastern_axle
ah you got one of those trendy moss balls I see, really cool!

I wish they'd sell it over here (Holland), I could buy it via ebay...
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