My first C. pyrrhogaster offspring so far

Hi Molch,
I put them on damp paper towels for the first few days and then they lived in shallow semi-aquatic tanks (boxes), with about 2cm water with some plants and lots of islands. I like this kind of set up for little newts because you don't have to worry about them drying out and it's also easy to keep clean. Terracotta saucers are really good for this. They had no substrate. They weren't scared of the water but generally only used it to get from (land) A to (land) B. I'm not sure if it helped them go aquatic quicker. When kept like this, I was feeding them on land from jar lids lined with wet tissue. They got mainly chopped earthworms but could also be trained to eat defrosted bloodworms. Lesser wax worms are also quite handy for this size of animals if you can get some.

I got a bit impatient with the last couple of terrestrial newtlets and forced them into water by removing land altogether, leaving only places where they could be partially submerged and lots of hornwort. I kept the water level low and gradually raised it when I saw that they were comfortable. It took between 1 - 3 days for the newts to start hunting under water. They didn't seem stressed by this. I would probably try to raise them like this from the start next time.

Good luck with yours, hope we'll see some pictures soon!
Wow Eva these are such amazing photos I am in love with your newts!!
Super cool seeing the colour difference when fed ostracods vs brine shrimp!
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