My First Axolotl Tank


Mar 16, 2012
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Just thought id do a little journal of my first Axolotl tank and post the progress over the next few months. Im hoping to get a black Axolotl... dont really like Albino's.

Its about a 80L tank, Sand substrate, Lots of driftwood to provide caves and i plan to plant it.

I have a planted fish tank so im going to transfer loads of plants over once i get proper lights. I currently have a 40W Clip lamp over it however im not sure if it will grow plants. Iv already noticed some growth on the frogbit but ill see how long it lasts.

Eventually i plan to have Anubias, Vallis, frogbit, Duckweed and Java +willow moss in there.

Its filtered by a Sponge filter. I also have a little pump in there however i read its best not to have too much current so i placed a sponge over the outlet to reduce current and provide extra filtration. The sponges were in my fish tank for over 3 months so the tank is pretty much cycled.

Hopefully I can get an Axolotl next week.

looking good! as you're a beginner, I'd advise trying to get a older juvie/adult axie. they are in my opinion much easier to care for than younger animals which tend to **** and eat lots more than older ones.

another thing you may want to consider: axies don't like bright lights so this can limit the plants you would be able to successfully grow in your tank to types that don't need as much light, and seeing as you're keeping axies try to focus on them and not so much the plants. axies are also very destructive and clumsy animals so don't be too surprised if you return to the tank to find that your carefully placed plants and such are floating at the surface torn to bits.

I also noticed that your tank looks to be near a window? that's not a very wise spot to place any aquarium as you may get algae problems from the natural light and wild temperature swings. on that note, axies like it cool (below 20 celsius) so temperature swings cause stress.

sponge filters are fantastic filters for axie tanks and once seeded with good bacteria provide great biological filtration provided that you don't overstock the tank. you can use a power filter in the tank if you wish, just attach it to a spraybar and direct that onto the glass and you're golden.

I think that if you're keeping one axie a sponge filter is all you should need provided that you're religious with your spot cleaning.
Thanks for the Advice!!

I have a ton of floating plants in my other tank so if the current light works im going to completely cover the surface which should block out most of the light. Ill tie the Anubias and moss with fishing line to fix them in place.

If the current light is no good for the plants ill replace it with a low Led light i have lying around and take out the plants.

The tank is actually in a windowless room and i never have the heating on in there.
I used to grow some live plants in my axie tank, they went well for a while, but they just died off fast. I just don't think they got enough light. I couldn't even get frogbit to grow.

I now just have silk/fake plants in my tank and it works well, you can get some very realistic looking ones. I do grow peace lilies in the trickle filter in the hood above my tank and they have been doing well for some time now. they are fantastic at sucking the nitrates out of the tank.
I actually have a good few silk plants in the shed (I think).. Will see what i have! Hopefully i didnt throw em out!

Made a background.. :happy:

looking good. I just use a black piece of card on the back of my tanks just like you have. even with a dim lamp it makes the contents of the tank really stand out.

forgot to mention, keep in mind that some lights can also add heat to the tank, as do power filters, this can add to temperature issues. I just use a small LED lamp on my axie tank.

if you wish, I'll upload a pic of my tank if you like.
I decided to get a proper bulb which i know will grow plants :happy:.

Its a 30W compact Spiral fluorescent bulb. spectrum is 6500 kelvin. Only cost 5 euro. it screws in to my clip on lamp.

As axolotls are sensitve to light i will be covering the surface in Azolla, I have buckets of it in my pond... Great Floating plant and blocks out tons of light.
Made a lid using mesh and wood! dont want him jumping out by mistake.


Growing Semiaquatic plants through the mesh :happy:!!

I will be doing a similar set-up here for my first axolotl.

Emergent plants are the win! I use pothos, spider plants and similar. Even in my Oscar tank!

Just bought a golden albino, he's in a holding bucket with a floss box filter and a coconut shell to hide in...

Can't wait to see your axolotl!
Put in lots of Azolla from my pond. Tis nice and dark now :happy:!!


Don't worry about the jumping thing. When mine is startled, he goes straight down for cover...and when he's going to the surface he can barely make it up sometimes (although it's hilarious when he lazily treads water for 10 seconds trying to get a gulp of air).

Not that the cover is a bad thing, if you can clean the tank and feed. Uncovered tanks always worried me...especially with lights. Keeping water from splashing on your bulbs is good, keeping the bulbs from swimming with your pets is even better...

It's a very pretty tank, and I love the surface cover. He or she should be very happy. And I was always a fan of the wildtype over albino, as well.
wow thats a nice tank lol....where do you get the wood from? the past iv used wood i have collected my self and disinfected it and boiled it lol.

im a little bit stupid and only work in CM lol what size is that tank?
I just bought the wood years ago... If i ever needed wood again id collect it myslef.

Its finally planted

I used airline tubing at surface so Vallis can get light and at the corner so i can put my hand in without gettin floating plants all over my arm!!

The bottom left is barebottom for a feeding area.


I gotta wait for the axolotl, the shop needs to order them in... Iv added Minnows to the tank to keep it cycled and will pop them in the pond once i find one.

The new light and plants are working our great!! The Azolla fern provides tons of shade.


I'm somewhat concerned about the substrate, is that what looks like gravel mixed in with the sand?
Your tank is gorgeous. I hope you can find one soon. I bet he'll love his home.
Yeah im going remove the substrate and filter out those stones before adding the Axolotl...

I have exams coming up so im holding off getting the axolotl till i finish em in 3 weeks... At least the tank is going to be fully established and nicely planted when i add him.

I did a little rescape... I created more room at the bottom and made a cave.


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