My first Axel! (Never seen this colour before)


I really want to have a good healthy golden albino too!!

Btw, in Australia they sells quite a lot of axolotls with different colours, but they are always in such poor health, some missing legs, others gilled bittened and short :(

I really want to find a place that sells some healthy ones...
If you want healthy axolotls in Australia you may get lucky and find one in a pet shop or otherwise you are best to breed your own or buy one from another forum member when they advertise in the For Sale section around Christmas time.

Regards Neil
Looks like a pale wild type :) this is my wild type, I've never seen a wild without spots! :D


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He sure has a cute smile on his face :D
Could someone please tell me whether or not Copper and Tan Albino are two different colour variations My male looks exactly like the one in this thread and was told a while ago that he was Copper by several people (however the only Copper's I've seen are spotted) and Neil C referred to it as Tan Albino :dizzy:
Pretty much coppers and tans are just what people are calling them. It really, in my opinion, is up to you what colour you want to call them. I call mine a copper, but he's very pale and he's been called an olive as well.
I consider copper to be a good blanket term for the variation of brown, bronze and tan colours that don't really fall under any other category.
Ohh okay, that makes sense haha. Thank you for clearing that up :happy:
Coppers are a type of albino. They will have red eyes with a tannish color. From what I've read if they don't have red eyes then they are not a copper since I believe copper axolotls are a 100% official color or however you would call it. If they have the normal eyes then they are just a color variation of a wildtype.
Well mine is the same tan colour as the one in this thread and he has deep red eyes. I figured he had to be some type of albino but I wasn't sure if copper and tan coloured albinos were the same thing because the only photos that I've seen which have claimed to be 'coppers' have been of a spotted variety!
I could be wrong because coppers are quite new to me, but I believe that being spotted or not spotted it's still considered a copper and I'm fairly certain that copper and tans are the same thing just different ways of describing them.
When axies breed they don't "mix" I believe what you have is a copper albino. Best way to tell is to shine a flashlight on his eyes and see if his irises show a deep red ring and if so you have a copper my friend :)

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It looks exactly like my axie. My axie laid white eggs so is therefore an albino. I am rearing all her bubs now. I have been told that she is a Copper Axolotl.
I am not 100% sure of this but I think you could call it a copper axolotl.
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