Thanks CJ !
Gravel impaction seems to occur when people feed axolotls pellets onto gravel , if you are tong feeding it may not be an issue. I know a couple of people who do this with no problems, I personally prefer sand as I use pellets, though they are fed onto feeding dishes in the tanks to avoid sand consumption. Nice gills on those guys, what temp do you keep them at and do you use an airator or filter?
Hi Nai Live,
I do not offer pellets for them because here in Brazil we don't have an axolotl's feed, as we have for fish, for example
I can offer fish food, but I prefer feed them with shrimp and tubifex, but sometimes I give some worms and little fishies too.
And all these foods I spit on a stick, so they does not eat this substrate when I feed them.
Ah ! And about the temperature, I keep them in a middle of 23 C.
In the half of the year is winter time here in Brazil, so the temperature falls a lot, until 13 C in their tank, but summer is very intensive too and the water can be around 28 C, so in the warmer days I move them to a Styrofoam box with plenty of plants, aquarium water and ice.
It is not as difficul as it sounds and they look good, because my room is the coldest part of the house
I use in this tank 3 filters, 2 submersible biologics pumps and an external filter with activated charcoal (sorry but I do not know how is called these filters in english).