The tank stays at 68-70 degrees F, and the Danios have so far been fine. I actually, against common practice, keep all 15 of my tanks at room temp and my fish have never suffered any ill effects. I have lost more fish from malfunctioning heaters than from keeping them at a steady room temp - in fact, I have lost none from room temp tanks.
The plants in the tank that is pictured here have included cabomba, myrio filigree, Amazon frogbit, duckweed, spiral vals, guppy grass, and a couple other simple ones. Right now it has a tropica sword, a bunch of filigree, tiger vals and a bronze crypt wendtii. The other tank has tiger and giant vals, java fern, anubias, red tiger lotus, and bronze crypts.
I don't use ferts in my amphib tanks because honestly, I don't know what kind of effect it may have long term on them and I don't want to take risks. I just use standard aquarium lighting in both of these tanks (yes, I know, pictures, pictures.... I promise they are forthcoming.)
I am no stranger to planted aquaria, as I have many set ups and ALL of them are planted. I just don't care for fake. There are so many benefits from using live plants.
Here are some of my other tanks. This is my 100 gallon goldfish tank.
This is my 54 gallon corner native brackish water tank. I have my own strain of molly that I developed from wild caught P. velifera, P. latippina and P. sphenops. My wild caughts came from the southern east coast of Florida. I also have two Violet gobies, and 9 sheepshead minnows, also wild caught. Specific gravity is 1.012