My axolotl has a sore mouth, does it have fungus? does he have an infection? I don't know how to identify

a pedra ficaria bem se colocada longe do vidro, os axolotes têm o hábito de tentar se espremer nos espaços mais estreitos.
mova a pedra de ar para o lado oposto do tanque para permitir uma melhor oxigenação.
aumentar a profundidade da água, quanto menos água os compostos de nitrogênio mais rápido se acumulam mais mudanças de água necessárias, também mais água significa mais espaço para nadar.
alimente diariamente, se possível, até que o tronco tenha a mesma largura da cabeça, pois ela é bem pequena para a idade.
continue usando holtfreters a 50% na água, pois isso ajudará a curar e estimular o crescimento das guelras.
monitore os parâmetros da água com um kit de teste líquido, isso é muito importante durante a cicatrização de lesões.
ok eu vou mover a pedra do ar, water now in winter in japan evaporates very quickly so at this moment more water is being removed the chlorine to replace it, i am trying to feed him but he is not eating much, i believe it is because of the wound, i will follow your advice and try to do it it grows, ok I'll monitor it, as it's a temporary aquarium and there's nothing in it, it's easier to control parameters and clean it regularly, I'm trying to keep a good environment for it to recover quickly
the situation today is not good, he has a red arm inside today, and a black spot on his head he didn't eat anything, today is the third day, the water is good as it is a quarantine aquarium there is no ammonia it is at 21 degrees celsius could it be an aneurysm? or something serious


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the situation today is not good, he has a red arm inside today, and a black spot on his head he didn't eat anything, today is the third day, the water is good as it is a quarantine aquarium there is no ammonia it is at 21 degrees celsius could it be an aneurysm? or something serious
honestly, i'm not sure. it could be red leg but i don't have enough experience with it to say definitively, curious as to what @wolfen has to say
21°c is way to warm, he needs to be in cold water more nearer to 15°c to allow him to heal.
I assume the water is dechlorinated before adding to the aquarium/quarantine tank.
there is an issue somewhere because of gill condition and the skin translucency along with the visible veins.
normally I wouldn't say to refrigerate but because of the veins now being prominent he really needs to be somewhere cool.
21°C é muito quente, ele precisa estar em água fria mais perto de 15°C para permitir que ele se cure.
Presumo que a água seja desclorada antes de adicionar ao aquário/tanque de quarentena.
há um problema em algum lugar por causa da condição das guelras e da translucidez da pele junto com as veias visíveis.
normalmente eu não diria para refrigerar, mas por causa das veias agora serem proeminentes, ele realmente precisa estar em algum lugar legal.
não é um perigo passar frio ele não come, How long do they take to regenerate?the mouth sore is taking a long time or is it going well?
unless the quarantine tank is cycled or 100% water changed then it is worse then being in the original tank as nitrogen compounds ie.. ammonia etc can quickly build up.
whilst she is being dealt with it is easier to tub her so that the water can be change daily and any meds etc.. can be administered safely.
make sure that the water is dechlorinated before use and the water is kept cold ie.. 15°c or lower. change the water daily feeding at night and changing in the morning.
if holtfreters is used it is easier to make it in a large batch and use it as needed.
make sure that an air stone is used to keep the water oxygenated.
if you cannot keep the water cold then she will have to be refrigerated with monitoring and the fridge set to no lower than 4°c.
axolotls are cold water animals and although a healthy axolotl will cope with 21°c it is too warm for a sick axolotl. unlike most animals axolotls heal better at colder temperatures.
a menos que o tanque de quarentena seja ciclado ou 100% de água trocada, é pior do que estar no tanque original, pois compostos de nitrogênio, ou seja, amônia, etc., podem se acumular rapidamente.
enquanto ela está sendo tratada, é mais fácil enxugá-la para que a água possa ser trocada diariamente e quaisquer medicamentos etc. possam ser administrados com segurança.
certifique-se de que a água seja desclorada antes de usar e que a água seja mantida fria, ou seja, 15°C ou menos. troque a água diariamente alimentando à noite e trocando pela manhã.
se holtfreters for usado, é mais fácil fazê-lo em um lote grande e usá-lo conforme necessário.
certifique-se de que uma pedra de ar é usada para manter a água oxigenada.
se não conseguir manter a água gelada então ela terá que ser refrigerada com monitoramento e a geladeira regulada para não inferior a 4°c.
os axolotes são animais de água fria e, embora um axolote saudável lide com 21°C, é muito quente para um axolote doente. ao contrário da maioria dos animais, os axolotes curam melhor em temperaturas mais frias.
I understood, eu coloco na geladeira e a água está a 14C ele ainda não come, na quarentena eu troco 80% da água todos os dias with water treated as usual
I understood, eu coloco na geladeira e a água está a 14C ele ainda não come, na quarentena eu troco 80% da água todos os dias with water treated as usual
needs to be 100% water change
on a cycled tank a large 100% water change can affect the bacteria in the filter, but in a uncycled tank/tub changing 100% water daily will remove any ammonia etc.. and keep the water fresh and healthy.
em um tanque com ciclo, uma grande troca de 100% de água pode afetar as bactérias no filtro, mas em um tanque/banheira não reciclado, trocar 100% de água diariamente removerá qualquer amônia etc. e manterá a água fresca e saudável.
hoje ele acordou morto, não sei o real motivo
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  • Katia Del Rio-Tsonis:
    Dear All, I would appreciate some help identifying P. waltl disease and treatment. We received newts from Europe early November and a few maybe 3/70 had what it looked like lesions under the legs- at that time we thought maybe it was the stress of travel- now we think they probably had "red leg syndrome" (see picture). However a few weeks later other newts started to develop skin lesions (picture enclosed). The sender recommended to use sulfamerazine and we have treated them 2x and we are not sure they are all recovering. Does anyone have any experience with P. waltl diseases and could give some input on this? Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
  • Katia Del Rio-Tsonis:
    sorry I am having a hard time trying to upload the pictures- I have them saved on my hard drive... any suggestions-the prompts here are not allowing for downloads that way as far as I can tell. Thanks
    Katia Del Rio-Tsonis: sorry I am having a hard time trying to upload the pictures- I have them saved on my hard... +1