Photo: My Axies with no Filaments :P (After Fungus)


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Aug 25, 2010
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Luckily my axies survived the fungus attack from the ammonia in the water, but now they're on their way to recovery So take a look :p

First one's Axie

This one's Axol, btw waters not cloudy its just the damn camera :lame:
I saw on another post regarding tank size that you plan on adding 2 more Axolotls to your tank? I would highly advise against that as your tank does not seem large enough or prepared enough to house 2 more animals.

Its not the best pic... But here's my 35 gallon that houses 2...Soon to be 4

What do u mean prepared?
The filtration seems inappropriate, there aren't enough hides, and it doesn't seem to have a thermometer so how can you tell the temp?
Nor is that tank remotely large enough for 4 adult axolotls.
It has a thermometre on the side of the tank.... I will only keep the axies there till they're adults
Alright.... but could 1 more axie fit in there? :D
I would suggest that as you have just had two sick axolotls due to not being able to maintain good water conditions, adding another axolotl to a potentially unstable and hazardous environment is a terrible idea.

You have been given excellent advice above by both Kaysie and Eric, who are extremely well experienced with axolotls.

If you love the axolotls you already have, do you not think it would be better to concentrate your efforts on making their environment safe and healthy so they do not get sick again, before you even think about getting any more?
Yea, i think ill w8 on more lotls cuz my axolotls are actually proceeding very well in the regeneration of they're gills :) tehy are eating now....( when they had the fungas they wouldnt eat) But yea once they get better ill think of getting more....Btw on Sunday, After Saturday (which is my Birthday party=60=80 dollars) im gonna go on a spending spree at Big Al's :ha:. Any ideas of what i should get.... A link would be nice :D Thanks Eric and Mewsie :) appreciate the help Btw i think u guys think that its ez to get lotls where i live and i think thats part of why i didnt think it was a good idea to get more for now. But when they get some in I will definetly set another 20 gallon up and w8 til my other guys are healed.... Then i'll see how they get along :wacko:
Happy early birthday!

Is there any particular reason you are so intent on getting more Axolotls?

In terms of what to buy at big al's...I would suggest ornaments that will provide dark areas for your Axolotls to hide in. I would also suggest buying a water testing kit if you do not currently have one.
It's hard to determine the size of the ornaments based on what I see online..but there is one that seems suitable to be used as a hide in your tank.

Log Hide Away (It is only 6.5" long, so this still may not be large enough for a larger axolotl)

(the dinosaur skeleton ornament also really struck my fancy for some reason), but would have no practical use in an axolotl tank.

Product Details
Thanks for the Early birthday wish Eric :) the reason i am soooo intent on getting more lotls is cuz i would like to start breeding and make them more available in my area and prominent ... cuz alot of ppl dont even know are a endangered species...

Also i love the idea of putting a log hide in :) very suitable... the dinosaur thing tho as u said wouldnt be of use :p and i guess i should get a testing kit too eh? maybe some live plants would work? cuz if i get the lotls i dont want any fights happening between the new ones and the old ones :p so i should probly find alot of hiding spots then... if they is a big Gap on their size ill consider a divider till they get bigger :) plannin on getting 1 leucistic and 1 golden albino :D O and also i agree on the size of the log thing too as it may be too small so ill get 2 and put the together :)
you made the right choice holding off on getting more axies.

my axie tank is 95L, so about 25 gallons for our backwards friends in the US, and I only keep 1 very healthy axie, I was pondering getting her a tankmate, but she is way too snappy and aggressive to even consider this, as much as I would love more.

you must consider the welfare of your current stock before you even consider adding more, which could risk all animals involved.
I think these two ornaments would be great for axolotls although they are for reptiles, some reptile ornaments are suitable for use in aquariums (I have used them before) but you will have to check this out first.
Herp Hotel
Shale Rock Den

They both seem to be a good size, especially the first one. But don't forget terracotta pots and pipes can also make great, cheap axolotl hides!
Wheeey. Happy Birthday for the weekend, Michael.

I like the look of that Herp Hotel - would look cool with some moss on the top!

Sounds like your birthday money will be well spent! If you are thinking of going for real plants, it's worth doing your research on the best ones to choose, Java Fern and Anubias are soooo easy to grow, just make sure you don't bury them in the sand or they'll rot - tie them neatly to rocks with some string :)
Thanks all if i find those at big al's i would love to buy the log hide and the herp hotel :p looks like good hides :D my new axies will love them when i get them too :)... Yea looks like im gonna spend all my birthday money on mah loveley axies :D Thanks for the birthday wish Mewsie :hat:
Breeding isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's a lot of money, and a lot of hard work. You'll never recoup all your money; you'll be lucky to break even. And it takes a LOT of time: maintaining cultures, cleaning up after babies, feeding, etc.
You keep mentioning your new Axies, but you should REALLY hold off until everything is setup and ready for additional animals.
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