Question: Moving axolotls to a larger tank, and want to avoid bringing tank invaders with them


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Jan 16, 2018
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United States
Hey guys,

I've been browsing caudata for a while to get advice, and generally I can always find what I'm looking for on older threads, but I have kind of a weird case that I can't find anything about. So here goes for my first post.

As the title says, I'm going to be moving my axolotls, two adults, into a new tank. They are currently in a 20 gallon long, which has been cramped for a while with them just getting bigger and bigger, so its definitely time for an upgrade. I've been saving to get a 40 gallon frag tank, which I think will be perfect because it's basically just all floor space, and isn't super deep so it'll be easy to feed them and clean the tank.

I've been reading up on moving axi's to a new tank, and most threads say to not worry about moving too much water, as it doesn't hold the good bacteria like the plants and hides and such. But, I have been dealing with what I believe are detritus worms. I have a bare bottom tank currently, and they are tiny white worms that mostly just stay on the bottom and come out in mass when I feed. I'm always good about cleaning up uneaten food and poop as soon as I notice it, but I've been struggling with getting rid of the worms for the past month or so. I also always do a 20% water change weekly, and I notice the population of the worms drops for a few days, but then explodes until they are all over the bottom again.

My plan is to get the new tank and let it cycle for at least a week, with some plants from my current tank. My question is, do you guys think I should move any of the old water to the new tank, or just make sure it's fully cycled before I move the axolotls? My hopes are to not bring the worms along with them, but I also don't want to hurt the axis by not bringing over any of the old water. From what I've researched, most likely these worms are completely harmless, especially if I have successfully identified them as detritus worms, but I'm not totally sure that is what they are. I never see them hanging off the axis, but I have seen them land on the axis when trying to siphon them out, and they just crawl off the axis pretty quickly. I don't believe they are parasitic.

Do you guys have any advice given my situation? Thank you in advance.
Re: Moving axolotl's to a larger tank, and want to avoid bringing tank invaders with them

As long as the new tank is well cycled I don't think you'll have any problems not adding old water.
Re: Moving axolotl's to a larger tank, and want to avoid bringing tank invaders with them

Thank you for the response Giuseppe, that is my plan at this point. I have the 40 gallon set up and it has been cycling for about a week. I think I'll let it cycle for another week or so and keep doing water tests, but so far it looks good.

I'll just avoid taking any water from their current tank if possible, and hopefully that will avoid bringing the worms into the new tank.
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