Most expensive salamander or newt

It all comes down to simple economics. You always have to compare prices. It is with newts not any different than with a car, a photo camera or something else. Prices can differ. If you don't know the market prices you can pay way to much.

I advise you to never buy in shops but to wait and search through websites or to go to meetings. It also gets you in touch with people who really care; most shops are only interested in money making and hey, that's why they are shops.
The best is always to buy animals CB from someone in the caudata community. Because then you have a low price and healthy animals, and not unimportant; you can get good reliable information on how you should keep them alive!!!
Last year there were some WC Neurergus Kaiserii's €250,- each for sale by Tropenparadies in Germany, almost all Neurergus Kaiserii died in a short time after purchase.
Andy says T. kweichowensis goes for 150$ or so in the UK. There's an advertisement on US right now selling them for 25$. You have to wonder.
I bought one of my tigers for 8$
. That price, 150$ is over the top.
You have to realize salamanders all have to have permits to go to Hawaii. Somebody has to pay to have them imported, cared for, and for the paperwork.
What does a C. orientalis cost then. Never thought about that.
I paid $4 for my C. orientalis.
I once saw an Ambystoma maculatum for $80 at the same store. Sufice to say I kept seeing it for over three months. At least they kept it alive all that time.
I've seen $35 axolotls that were albinos,and only 2 inches long.
Triturus marmoratus for $89.99
Cynops pyrrhogaster (wild-caught) $29.99
But most recently I saw some Necturus spp. for $50/each, I believe.

I think the reason the prices vary so much is because of the short supply of c.b. salamanders in general. I am confident that prices on some of the more expensive newts, like marbled newts will drop dramatically as more and more people start up breeding colonies of them. I remember just two years ago I couldn't find axolotls anywhere, but now I can get them easier than I can get C.orientalis! Wild-caught animals are usually cheaper, and this draws the attention of people who don't do enough research about their care.
Jacob- Were those $50 Necturus from Glades Herps? Because if they are, that price pretty high for the species they're selling.
The most expensive I've seen were WC juvenile N. kaiseri's going for 150 euros at an expo.
i've seen cynops pyrrhogaster for 20.00, triturus marmoratus for 75.00 which was way to high for me, paramestriton chinensis for 12.00, last year tigers were 20.00 and fire where 50.00. this year fire are 30 to 35. and tigers are 35. to some fool near my house trying to get 65. for his.i saw kiaser newts for 350. on kingsnake a few month's ago.....
I realize that this thread is kinda old, but I while I was in my LFS to purchase a screen lid, I looked around and saw a Triturus marmoratus labeled "Marbled Newt - very rare $159.99" I think my mouth dropped open...
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