Monster-sized C. pyrrhogaster

Hmmm...I've heard that before, that sasayamae are thought to get especially big, but I've yet to see anything myself to confirm this -- and I've seen quite a few of them. The biggest C. pyrrhogaster I've seen have been from the Tohoku region (northern Honshu). And C. pyrrhogaster over 13 cm are uncommon! And I've never before seen one as large as 18+ with my own eyes...though that sure would be treat!

There's a 1963 report "Studies on the Local Races of the Japanese Newt Triturus pyrrhogaster" by Shozo Sawada in which average tip-of-snout to tip-of-tail lengths are given for Cynops pyrrhogaster collected from 10 districts throughout Japan, and that confirms what I've noticed through my own experience.


Ka = Kyushu (far south)
Sh = Shikoku
Ch = Chugoku
CK = Eastern Chugoku and Kinki
sK = Southern Kinki
Cb = Chubu
Ka = Kanto
To = Tohoku (far north)

Sawada concludes that the average total length of females (and males), "generally speaking, gradually increases with progress from south to north in Japan and shows a kind of geographical cline."

(Message edited by TJ on September 30, 2005)
<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>Mattias Müller wrote on Wednesday, 28 September, 2005 - 13:53 :</font>

"I think its not uncommon for sasayamae to become 18 cm, right?"<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
I never saw such large pyrrhogaster, and I don't know any literature about pyrrhogaster more than 16 cm!
I think it's possible but not common.

Would you like to post your photos.

Yes, I recall Aaron saying he once saw an 8-incher...but that would be over 20 cm ! It's almost unthinkable.

Certainly, I wouldn't deny it, as it's possible (though improbable). The mind and the memory do play tricks, as does the thick glass in some public aquariums!
(indeed, the giant salamanders at Ueno Zoo look twice their actual size from some angles)

So until I see a picture of the beasts in question -- being measured -- it's all pretty much just hearsay. It would be nice if somebody could inquire with the aquariums in question for verification. At least then Nate and Ralf can update their species info sheets over Caudate Culture

I do, however, keep an 18-cm Cynops ensicauda, which is also the biggest I've ever seen. See:
Here she is as of today:

thats way cool. im looking at my C.O. right now and he seems to be in the same position as yours. is yours just resting off a large meal? my c o goes and rests on his elodea after he eats
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