There, OBVIOUSLY, is a difference between FORCE and simply making the conditions more favorable.
there are too many folks out there to far to eager to point fingers and throw "their" little rants and phrases out there.
- Im not positive, because there is so little scholarly information on "morpholotls" { this is most likely because the large majority of the population is kept as pets by whoever happens upon them and finds them 'cute' or 'cool'. Those qualifications do not make any of these people experts. Do your own research. Check the references. Since I highly doubt you can get a hold of thryoid stimulation hormone, I don't think anything you may do can actually be considered FORCE, as accused.}[/QUOTE
Im sorry but you are wrong if an axolotl is deliberately placed in conditions unfavorable to the species then you ARE forcing it to do that, it would not chose to live in dirty water, it choses to live in cold clean water in its natural enviroment not dirty mud holes, it choses not to morph which is why it is able to breed in its larval state.
It very rarely produces the neccessary amount of hormones to enable it to morph so introducing them to it IS forcing it to do something that is not NEEDED or WANTED by it personally, but by the people who keep them.
As has been stated time and time again by people on this forum "If you want a land living creature get one"
Dont force other species to be what you want.
You wouldnt force a Boy to act like a Girl !! or would you??