we got an axy for my son a couple of days before Christmas and it has already almost lost all of its gills, and its skin and shape has changed dramatically, i will post some pictures of it. I guess its morphing, but it has only really been about a week since we noticed the changes, but it keeps trying to climb out of the water, doesnt seem to like it at all now, stays on top of its "house" (half flower pot) all of the time now. I guess its ready for a land tank now... we are really confused. I thought that it would stay a axy, just worried that it will die now cause its not eating at all. It has not eaten since it started losing its gills and shedding its skin. Its not slippery at all now, kind of a rubbery feel to its skin, and it does have eyelids already, saw it blink today when i was changing the water... Just didnt seem to take that long for it to change.