I don't know about anyone else, but I had to work Sunday and just today finally got a chance to watch it (taped it, not ready for DVR yet). Well, the first two episodes anyway; I'm going to watch the third after this in bed with hot chocolate. From the first episode, I loved that part with the two orange and blue frogs fighting. I'm sure they were serious about it, but I thought they were cute as buttons! and in the second episode, the Japanese salamanders: man, couldn't he just give the guy a warning nip before throttling him? The footage of the alpine newt spermatophore transfer was amazing. How often to do you see that? And the terror on the faces of the unhatched tadpoles as the wasp dragged off their brethren was right out of a horror movie. Finally, everything I think about frog creepiness was confirmed by the rain frog. Dragging your mate into the grave with you is nothing but vampiric! It was awesome!