I was reading in the beginning of this post (way back in 2011...) that laoensis are difficult to keep and breed? I have to reply and say that I have found them to be very easy going, low maintenance, hardy, beautiful and easy to keep and breed.
I have 10 of them acquired from FrogOeyes in 2011, and although I had never heard of them before, it was easy to do some research to reproduce their environment. They have bred and layed eggs every year, and this year they are in full breeding colors and mating again. I expect eggs within the next few weeks.
The one difficulty I have had with them was in raising the larvae. Both years that I have hatched larvae, I have reared them to aproximately 1 inch before deadly fuungal infections that quickly spread and killed the whole lot. This year I have 1 sole surviving larvae that is 1.5 inches, no sign of wanting to metamorphose yet.
I am hoping that this next batch will do better as I want not only to increase my stock, but also provide captive born animals for sale.
Overall, my experience with these newts has been fantastic. I would rate them as a beginner to intermediate level newt keeper and they will do well with a slow current, lots of filtration, and a cool location such as a basement.
They are voracious eaters, non-agressive, and very active.
Best year round water temperature: 18^C
Cycle for breeding for 6-8 weeks: 10-14^C (I have them in a bedroom in the basement and I just crack the window open a bit)
They start showing breeding displays in December(ish)
Eggs are layed in January
Eggs take 6-8 weeks to hatch. Best to place them in a separate secure container that can circulate water and keep it in with the adult tank. This seems to prevent fungus growth.
Larvae will feed after 1 week of hatching on baby brine shrimp, later they will also take daphnia.
This is as far as I can tell you. Next year I will try and raise the larvae in the same tank as the adults in a separate container, as this seems to work for the eggs in terms of fungal infections. In both cases that I lost the young to fungal infections was several months after removing them from the adult tank.
Will keep you posted if I succeed next year.