Kleptogenesis (in CC amphib glossary)


Site Contributor
Mar 3, 2006
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Philadelphia, PA
United States
Kleptogenesis: A method of reproduction whereby a female ‘steals’ sperm from a [sympatric] sexual male. The sperm is required to stimulate an egg to divide (gynogenesis) but does not fertilize the egg and may or may not contribute chromosomes to the offspring. Unisexual Ambystoma utilize this unique method of reproduction.
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Cool, this is a new word for me! Your definition is clear, except that I'm a little unsure what "(i.e., gynogenesis)" refers to. Does it refer to the situation when the male does not contribute chromosomes? Is either word (klept- or gyno-) the same as (or a form of) parthenogenesis?
Jen - gynogenesis and kleptogenesis are often used interchangeably. Gynogenesis is the process of sperm stimulation to an egg to cause division - the male's DNA is typically not transferred to the offspring. Kleptogenesis seems to be the more prominent word now in that it not only describes gynogenesis but also the method by which it is obtained..."stealing it" [klepto] for stimulation but not fertilization, so to speak. This is a parthenogenesis-like process in that the egg is not fertilized by a male. The need for sperm stimulation is not required in parthenogenesis.
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