"All of the units including molarity is a fraction"
No, that is not true. Mol per liter is not a fraction.... Avagadros constant 6,02*10^23 tells us how many atoms that fit into one mol. Avagadros constant is defined as the number of carbon atoms with a mass of 12 g.
That is one mol of a substance is equivalent to 6,02*10^23 atoms of that kind - mol/l = amount/volume.
Maybe I didn't express myself very good, what I meant with a fraction was volume/volume or mass/mass or mol/mol. Those kinds of "units" ends up with no unit only a fraction, that was my point(ppm is a fraction not a unit...).
Thanks for tip on nitrospira, I have only bought bacteria cultures once when I was in a hurry getting a tank going. Surely it will be easy to prove that they don't work - add ammonia to the culture check how much is converted to nitrates...
Anyway, I wouldn't be very surprised if they don't work, it seems to be like that pretty often in the world of aquariums...
No, that is not true. Mol per liter is not a fraction.... Avagadros constant 6,02*10^23 tells us how many atoms that fit into one mol. Avagadros constant is defined as the number of carbon atoms with a mass of 12 g.
That is one mol of a substance is equivalent to 6,02*10^23 atoms of that kind - mol/l = amount/volume.
Maybe I didn't express myself very good, what I meant with a fraction was volume/volume or mass/mass or mol/mol. Those kinds of "units" ends up with no unit only a fraction, that was my point(ppm is a fraction not a unit...).
Thanks for tip on nitrospira, I have only bought bacteria cultures once when I was in a hurry getting a tank going. Surely it will be easy to prove that they don't work - add ammonia to the culture check how much is converted to nitrates...
Anyway, I wouldn't be very surprised if they don't work, it seems to be like that pretty often in the world of aquariums...