It aint easy finding Newts...

not tryign to sound overly rude but my point was that you want to get everything good with newts in their tank before adding a bunch of stuff just doing to much too fast.

And starting out with eggs is going to be 3 times as hard as juvies, and fish are impossible to put in with larvea and or eggs.
tru ^ start with ur newts and get them comfortable with their surroundings b4 adding anything else especially if their just eggs cuz good chances ur fish will peck or eat the eggs
Coulda fooled me with the not being rude...

I dont plan on mixing newt species. Eggs will not be raised in the aquarium and Im far from doing anything fast. All Ive added is live plants to the tank and its currently cycling

Cool tank patrick! But I didnt catch an island anywhere. I think I have a pic to post of my aquarium, it should be the right size but its on another comp. Though if Ill just be getting rude comments I have to wonder the point...
no there is no island there plant at the top floats along the top and the top of the hut in the top left corner is very close to water level but my newts are totally aquatic now they were semi b4 but slowly i raised level of water and they gradually made there way aquatic, they don't seem to like land all that much maby for 20 minutes here n there to rest but they like being below the water it seems
Dan: If you have java moss on hand you might want to start your eggs in a sweater box instead of the big tank. Move them there when they are bigger and you can keep track of them easier at that point.

Theres my thread for people to see, I finally got a pic up!

Joseph, whats a sweater box? I was planning on using some plastic shoe boxes, or cut up water cartons. Some Java moss should be available to me in some time. I wont move them to the tank till theyve completley morphed.
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