Introduce Your Pets

All grudgingly (dis)allowed in by the parents:

1 male black lab mutt, about 120 pounds, named Bullet. He's 11 and has cancer, but was diagnosed at 8 and given two years to live. He's already beat the system! Senior animals are rough to deal with though. Watching them walk is heart brekaing.
1 female yellow lab mutt, about 55 pounds, named Gunny. She's about 2 and our newest member. Got her from the pound in December. She had heartworms, was underweight, recently had a litter of puppies, had been clearly abused, and was found as a stray. We're slowly working her through her expansive list of fears. To name a few, tin foil, cars, sewer drains, rocking chairs, strollers, the dryer, etc.

1 unsexed conure named Albert. Another abuse case. I have no idea how old he is, he's a rescue found in a drug raid. He has no feathers and they aren't expected to grow back in. He has a birth defect where his wings are attached to his body. Very fiesty and territorial, but with a sweet spot for jelly beans and glasses. He blows kisses.
2 female parakeets, Jag and Daffy. Tweedledee and tweedledum. They don't seem to need people, as they are content with each other and mostly afraid of us, so they live in their own world.

Fish (30 gallon):
1 rainbow shark
1 gold gourami
6 giant danios
4 tiger barbs
2 apple snails

Recently lost my betta, Leila, to dropsy.

Getting my first axolotl on Monday! Woot!
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