I'm positive my axolotl is dying - how to stop it!

Yeah, you definitely need dechlorinator/water conditioner. That may be a big part of your problem. The water conditioner/dechlorinator will neutralize the chlorine and heavy metals that are toxic to axolotls. You should be able to find it at any pet store, but spring water(bottled) can also be used. I would also make sure you provide some large rock or other object for him to climb out in case he is morphing and wants out of the water.
Re: Im positive my axolotl is dying - how to stop it!

Hi there,

As Julia (Bellabelloo) suggested, it would be best to move Rexx into a container (an icecream tub, tupperware container, bucket, etc) of shallow de-chlorinated water (enough water to cover Rexx's back), and put this tub in a cool place in the house (the lower to the ground, the better, as lower ground is cooler than higher ground). Keeping Rexx in a small tub of water will enable you to keep tabs on him, and monitor his feeding. Is there anywhere cool, dark, and quiet in the house that you can keep Rexx's container?

While being kept in the tub, Rex will need a full water change each day with fresh de-chlorinated water. When changing his water out, just scoop him up in a net, empty the soiled water out, pour fresh dechlorinated water into the now empty tub, and quickly (but gently) put Rexx back into the tub. He'll be a little put out by this, but should recover, if left well alone after the water change, put in a nice dark and cool place, and left with a nice juicy worm to enjoy in the privacy of his tub.


I have put little rexx into a container with some de-chlorinator in it , He ate 1 earthworth and i have left one in the container with him . How long should i leave him for ? I have put some fly screen mesh over the top so he will not get out. But is still able to get the cool air from the air con. Currently the water in the tank is 25.8 but i ahve just put the water under the air con , so hopefully it goes down very soon. What would you say is the best temp ? up to 18?

Should i leave him out of his tank until i have taken all the water out ad started again , and once he is looking better? he is looknig so skinny and like absolute ****! poor little guy. i wish he would eat more!
And he keeps putting his head out of the water like he needs air ? is this normal ?
Re: Im positive my axolotl is dying - how to stop it!

I have put little rexx into a container with some de-chlorinator in it , He ate 1 earthworth and i have left one in the container with him . How long should i leave him for ? I have put some fly screen mesh over the top so he will not get out. But is still able to get the cool air from the air con. Currently the water in the tank is 25.8 but i ahve just put the water under the air con , so hopefully it goes down very soon. What would you say is the best temp ? up to 18?

Should i leave him out of his tank until i have taken all the water out ad started again , and once he is looking better? he is looknig so skinny and like absolute ****! poor little guy. i wish he would eat more!

He ate a worm? Terrific! That's a great sign. :happy:

Between 16-18C is ideal.

He may have to live in the tub for some weeks...it all really depends on him. I wouldn't put him back in the tank until he has gained enough body condition (ideally, his belly should be about as wide as his head - nice and plump).

Bear with him. It's a game of patience and persistence, I'm afraid. It really is a great sign that he's eaten a worm - worms provide the best nutrition for axolotls, and that's exactly what he needs.

Please keep us posted.
He did eat a worm , but now there is 2 worms in the container! so 1 must be the one he ate! ... could he digest it within 30 mins ? or do they also vomit i guess you could say?

Im currently emptying his tank and going to move it to a cooler place , get the water all up and good then will put him back in once he has gained a little weight. Is there any particular reason i cant put him back into the tank if the water and temp is ideal for him?
He did eat a worm , but now there is 2 worms in the container! so 1 must be the one he ate! ... could he digest it within 30 mins ? or do they also vomit i guess you could say?

Im currently emptying his tank and going to move it to a cooler place , get the water all up and good then will put him back in once he has gained a little weight. Is there any particular reason i cant put him back into the tank if the water and temp is ideal for him?

He has possibly thrown it up (regurgitated), yes. Just keep offering food each day, remove any leftovers, and replace with fresh.

As he is an amphibian, he breaths in part through his skin, and will absorb whatever is in the water into his bloodstream. For the past weeks, he has been kept in chlorinated water (highly toxic to him), and has now been put into de-chlorinated water (good water; necessary to his survival), and this change to the water chemistry is a bit of a shock to his system. He will need some time to adjust.

You can pop Rex back into the tank if the water conditions are good and you can keep his ideal temperature at a constant (important). However, the tank environment will make it difficult for you to monitor Rexx's intakes (food) and outtakes (wastes), as the food and wastes can vanish into the substrate, ornaments, plants, etc, and will also get sucked into the filter.

While he is in the tub, all Rexx's intakes and outtakes are there in the tub for you to monitor; there's nowhere they can "vanish" to, making it easier for you to monitor his recovery.

It's up to you. But I would strongly recommend keeping him in the tub.
I will keep him in the container until he has put on a bit of weight and is eating again. The temp is down to 19.8 which is the best it has been, so hopefully it helps him out a little bit and he isn't too stressed!

He keeps trying to get out of the container by popping his head up and trying to get to the side, is this normal ? What exactly is morphing as ive had a few people mention he may do that. I had axolotls as a child and never had this problem?
I don't know a lot about it, but if he is morphing, then he'll need some land above water to climb onto otherwise he risks drowning as his lungs develop.
I don't know a lot about it, but if he is morphing, then he'll need some land above water to climb onto otherwise he risks drowning as his lungs develop.

Thank you , Sonia. I still don't know how to tell if he is morphing or not. I had never heard of morphing until coming to this website!
I don't think he is morphing.

I think fringing is out of the question, because you want your axie to eat, but try to keep him at a steady temperature of about 17 degrees.
You can pop Rex back into the tank if the water conditions are good and you can keep his ideal temperature at a constant (important). However, the tank environment will make it difficult for you to monitor Rexx's intakes (food) and outtakes (wastes), as the food and wastes can vanish into the substrate, ornaments, plants, etc, and will also get sucked into the filter.


He will not eat anything i give him , i left the worm in there over night and he is not interested at all. Is there any way you can force feed an axolotl ?
He will not eat anything i give him , i left the worm in there over night and he is not interested at all. Is there any way you can force feed an axolotl ?

There is. But please note that force feeding should only ever be used as a LAST RESORT.

One of our members very kindly put together this guide on force feeding: http://www.caudata.org/forum/f46-be...olotl/70199-how-force-feed-adult-axolotl.html

Please read this through very carefully BEFORE you commence force feeding. If you have any concerns or queries, please ask BEFORE you commence force feeding.
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There is. But please note that force feeding should only ever be used as a LAST RESORT.

One of our members very kindly put together this guide on force feeding: http://www.caudata.org/forum/f46-be...olotl/70199-how-force-feed-adult-axolotl.html

Please read this through very carefully BEFORE you commence force feeding. If you have any concerns or queries, please ask BEFORE you commence force feeding.

Please, though, wait a few days to let Rexx adjust to new conditions before you consider force feeding. Force feeding is very stressful procedure for the axolotl. Sadly, there is no "quick cure" for axolotls when they are stressed out of their skin. They need time to adjust to changes to their water chemistry, they are very sensitive, and stress so easily. Recovery takes a lot longer.

I will take a look at the link when i have 5 mins, although force feeding is definately the last thing i want to do. So is a last resort! I have him in a container with a fan on him to keep the temp down but i dont know any other way to keep the temp down , its frustrating because of the heat!
Why were you using pH Down?
I just wanted to thank you for all of your help. My poor little rexx died over night in his container. I did notice a tiny white colour on his gill , not sure if this was fungus ?

I am happy he is not suffering anymore, as i was doing all i could to get his health back to normal. Rest in peace little guy!
Ahhhh, no :(

So very sorry to hear this, I was rooting for the little guy.
Ahhh... I'm sorry for your loss....
THank you guys, even the little feeder fish i got him survived in a cup for a week! and now i've put him into the tank. Bit spewing about that. But sure the next axolotl (when i find the perfect one im looking for) will enjoy him :) plus all of those worms!
i'm sorry man...

you tried to help save him and thats what matters.
Hey, I was just reading through this thread and saw that question about using distilled water.

Is that okay?
Like can we go to the store, and pick up distilled water? Or would drinking water from the store work?

I'm not sure either.. =/
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