IKEA paladarium!


New member
Feb 17, 2024
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Dfw texas
United States
Hey! I’m currently building a paladarium out of an IKEA display case I found on Craigslist!
I’ve managed to get everything siliconed off and watertight but I need help on how to add the ventilation. I have some hole saw drill bits and was planning to create a few holes in the metal top and silicone in some window screen mesh or something similar. Would this allow sufficient air flow?
The future inhabitants will be a few Amazon milk frogs and I read that these guys need pretty good air flow so I’m a bit worried this won’t be enough. Any ideas or advice will be appreciated!
One idea to consider might be to drill just two holes, mesh them, and place a computer fan over the intake. This could grant you far greater control over airflow. For example, you can add the fan to a smart plug and/or connect them to a hygrometer to automate the airflow as needed. It would also allow you to account for seasonal fluctuations and adjust quickly if you notice something like excessive condensation or mold.
Jasper is a smart man and one of my favorite geological formations too! I did something similar but probably wouldn't recommend the same material I settled for it was a cheap plastic l.e.d cover. I was able to make 3 10g lids and there was a bunch of small textured indenentations in the material which made it easy to use a 1/8 in. Drill bit. I couldn't even tell you how long it took to drill enough holes to get the proper ventilation but the plastic was so thin if you put a little too much pressure the entire lid would crack. It still does what it's intended to but I think if I did it again I would put the extra few dollars towards a thicker mill plastic maybe even acrylic. I too put a fan on my 2 lines enclosure once a week to help circulation since there's a waterfall feature the humidity usually stays around 60%
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    AxieCrazy: My axolotl’s gills have turned completely white. she is about 7 months old. I fed her a couple... +1