ID help: Ambystoma maculatum (spotted salamander) larvae?

I fed the freeze fried bloodworms and then one of the salamander larva started floating and i think eating the freeze dried bloodworms caused them to ingest air bc the food floated.. the one that started to float died :( i am going to stick to feeding the lil brine shrimp for now instead
haven't quite figured out the feeding. I am hoping my pond water will have what they need. I collect it and replace half the water every couple days.
added pieces of duckweed and guppy grass in the jar to help with the o2 nitrate balance.

boiled some lettuce for the frog tadpoles, excited to see if they like it.

thanks or the info, looking into the brine shrimp
haven't quite figured out the feeding. I am hoping my pond water will have what they need. I collect it and replace half the water every couple days.
added pieces of duckweed and guppy grass in the jar to help with the o2 nitrate balance.

boiled some lettuce for the frog tadpoles, excited to see if they like it.

thanks or the info, looking into the brine shrimp
I got the brine shrimp on amazon 👍🏻 we boil lettuce for the tads too they seem to like it
I got the brine shrimp on amazon 👍🏻 we boil lettuce for the tads too they seem to like it
Tnanks! Brine shrimp is working well. I also found some daphnia in the pool i found the eggs in. The babies are growing quick. Looks like i have 6. They may be Tigers. Not sure yet but, its exciting. How are your littles progressing?


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Tnanks! Brine shrimp is working well. I also found some daphnia in the pool i found the eggs in. The babies are growing quick. Looks like i have 6. They may be Tigers. Not sure yet but, its exciting. How are your littles progressing?
Mine are still alive so I guess theyre doing good lol?! Honestly I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing... idk how much or often to feed them.. I got the freeze dried bloodworms which have killed three so I stopped feeding it.. I have way too many of these things.. probably 200... theyre all together in a big tub and idk if i should be changing their water but I do maybe once a week and use well water.. theyre growing i guess but slowly so i worry.. but maybe im just impatient.. they have little cute arms with fingers and cute lil elbows. I love them, I hope they survive so I can release them. Ive cut some leaves off my pothos plants to grow roots in water so I can put in there with them.. not sure what else to do any feeding/water care advice welcome
Tnanks! Brine shrimp is working well. I also found some daphnia in the pool i found the eggs in. The babies are growing quick. Looks like i have 6. They may be Tigers. Not sure yet but, its exciting. How are your littles progressing?
Will add that the tadpoles are doing great theyre getting so big and they eat/poop like crazy..less worried about them. The salamanders dont eat barely at all though it seems? I put brine shrimp in and you cant tell they ate any of it.. maybe im iust putting in too much idk
Mine are still alive so I guess theyre doing good lol?! Honestly I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing... idk how much or often to feed them.. I got the freeze dried bloodworms which have killed three so I stopped feeding it.. I have way too many of these things.. probably 200... theyre all together in a big tub and idk if i should be changing their water but I do maybe once a week and use well water.. theyre growing i guess but slowly so i worry.. but maybe im just impatient.. they have little cute arms with fingers and cute lil elbows. I love them, I hope they survive so I can release them. Ive cut some leaves off my pothos plants to grow roots in water so I can put in there with them.. not sure what else to do any feeding/water care advice welcome
200? 😳!! I would get some water plants. I use duckweed and the pretty moss that grows in creeks. Ad those and snails. This combo works well for me to keep the water clean. possibly keeping them in separate containers in smaller groups could help maintain that many. How big is your current container?
200? 😳!! I would get some water plants. I use duckweed and the pretty moss that grows in creeks. Ad those and snails. This combo works well for me to keep the water clean. possibly keeping them in separate containers in smaller groups could help maintain that many. How big is your current container?
Maybe 1ft by 2ft. Some of them are in a separate 10gal aquarium tank but most in the tub. 200 might be an exaggeration but we saved a couple giant clumps of eggs. Theres too many to count for sure. I have 3 kids (one is a baby) so going outside searching for plants and snails is kinda hard.. can i buy duckweed somewhere? And snails? We live in the middle of nowhere too so i have to drive an hour to go to stores.. we saved them unexpectedly so wasnt really prepared for this
Maybe 1ft by 2ft. Some of them are in a separate 10gal aquarium tank but most in the tub. 200 might be an exaggeration but we saved a couple giant clumps of eggs. Theres too many to count for sure. I have 3 kids (one is a baby) so going outside searching for plants and snails is kinda hard.. can i buy duckweed somewhere? And snails? We live in the middle of nowhere too so i have to drive an hour to go to stores.. we saved them unexpectedly so wasnt really prepared for this
Thats a ton. Good on ya wanting to save them.

Guppy Grass (1 Handful) FedEx 2Day Shipping

I bought this from amazon and it seems to do a good job making oxygen. You may be able to find some duckweed online or at a nearby pond.


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  • Anlucero:
    I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his tank. I have a 20 gallon tank. No other tank mates. 2 hides and a bare bottom. I didn't feed him the last two days. His belly looks swollen and dark in color. I believe it is the food you can see. I fed him blood worms and soft quick sinking axoloty pellets. I tested his water today. Ph was 7.6. The nitrite and nitrate were both zero. The ammonia was 0.25 ppm. I was advised to cycle my tank due to the lack of nitrate. I added Seachem stability 10 ml to my tank yesterday and 5 ml today. I have a tank chiller. The water temp is set at 64. He is still active, but his tail floats up when he is moving about the tank. I am on the fence about fridging him. I also don't know how long to go without feeding him. I don't want to harm him. Please help asap. Thank you.
    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1