I need a definitive answer!


New member
Aug 27, 2008
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United States
I am planning on starting a Japanese FBN tank. I know about the fish that can be mixed with them. I would just like to know how to go anuran, and (probably not) reptilian wise. Before I get a bunch of "stick to the rules" types, I know that it's "Amphibian 101" to not mix. However, I have seen so many more community FBN success stories than failures. And, about 90-95% of the failures are to mixing them with FBT's which I would never run the risk of doing. I want kind answers, please.
Right, first of all japanese fire bellies tend to be 99% aquatic so any frog or toad you would get would need to be totally aquatic which leads you towards clawed frogs.Most of these get to a size where your jfb would end up a tasty morsal, probably killing them both, there is of coarse the dwarf variey which itself will end up a tasty morsal for your newt. Reptiles are out of the question, i can't believe you would even think about it.
To go anuran you should go to a witches’ forum. They might be able to help you in that department. (Write proper English please so everybody can follow what you're trying to say)

On the mixing, I have never heard a successfull newt/anuran mixture, actually there is hardly any successfull mixing story.
So don't mix them, keep them separated. I really do not understand what is unclear about the whole "do not mix species" thing. It's amfibian 101 but not without reason.

And the fish? You mean white clouds?
I haven't heard many mixing success stories either. With all the problems that can occur with species mixing, I would just avoid the whole situation. I'm sure you know the problems are many including the spread of diseases, stress from differing habits and habitats, and packing animals into an enclosure that is often too small.

If you want to keep multiple species, use multiple enclosures. You will get better behavior and longer lives out of your captives.
ive heard a few amphibian mixing success stories but never any anura caudata mixing success stories. (with the exception of a few fbn fbt stories)

im open to mixing phibs (although i know i currently dont have the experience of knowledge of any species to mix) and i think in certain circumstances with certain species and some luck it can work. but i dont think there are any anura u could mix with japanese fire belly newts and have any level of success
So, there's absolutely no other species in the entire animal kingdom you can mix with the fire belly newt? And I'm not complaining, so please stop being rude. I'm just a kid and I'm new to the site and the hobby.

Oh and by the way, there are a plethora of results I found on google searches related to "fire belly newt community," "mixing with fbn's," etc.

But I AM aware that the people are more knowledgeable, hence my coming to the site. I'm sorry if I come across as not smart, I'm just learning.
So, there's absolutely no other species in the entire animal kingdom you can mix with the fire belly newt? And I'm not complaining, so please stop being rude. I'm just a kid and I'm new to the site and the hobby.

Oh and by the way, there are a plethora of results I found on google searches related to "fire belly newt community," "mixing with fbn's," etc.

But I AM aware that the people are more knowledgeable, hence my coming to the site. I'm sorry if I come across as not smart, I'm just learning.

Basically, as the others have said, the answer is no. Just because many cases of species mixing are present upon doing a google search, does not make it a success or the proper thing to do. Animals kept in single species enclosures with the proper habitat and temperature requirements are more often inclined to perform healthy and natural behaviors.

Nobody here is trying to come off as rude, we are all just trying to prevent you from making a decision that could lead to heart brake down the line. So please don't take anything personally.

Now here is my question to you- Why mix species? Why are single species enclosures not enough?
Alright, I've done a little more research. I think I'll live with just the the newts. They are pretty cool. Plus now I can focus on the far off goal of eventual breeding. Anyway, one more quick question. In a 20 gallon tank, would 4 newts be overcrowding. Should I go with 2 or 3 instead. Thank you in advance.
A lot of mixing stories on the internet forget to tell they are mixed for two weeks (and do no post when they are split or some are dying).

A species some people mix with fire bellies are white cloud minnows. They like cold water are hardy and small. searching white cloud on this forum will give you plenty of information.
So, there's absolutely no other species in the entire animal kingdom you can mix with the fire belly newt? And I'm not complaining, so please stop being rude. I'm just a kid and I'm new to the site and the hobby.

Oh and by the way, there are a plethora of results I found on google searches related to "fire belly newt community," "mixing with fbn's," etc.

But I AM aware that the people are more knowledgeable, hence my coming to the site. I'm sorry if I come across as not smart, I'm just learning.
Cheese, first let me say welcome to the forum. No one is trying to be rude. But as you suggest, you are just learning. Considering that, you may want to tone down your approach and presentation. Using phrases such as:

"Before I get a bunch of "stick to the rules" types,.... However, I have seen so many more community FBN success stories than failures.", is unwarranted. And shouting 'I need a definitive answer!' is no way to win friends and influence people.

You will find a great deal of help and willingness to help on this forum - please try being a little more collegial and you will find pleasant responses.

Again, welcome to the site, it is a great place to learn.
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