Last august, I was down in seattle for a few days, and me and my girlfriend ran into these black kids who had these 2 salamders in a tiny little plastic aquarium. It's only about 85 degrees out and they had about a half inch of water and about 1 cm of gravel. To make things better they claimed that they were going to "flush them" in order to get a hampster. God i hate rodents. Anyway, I ended up trading them an old game boy for the pair, and starting trying to fiqure out what the hell to do with these guys. Its been alot of trial an error, and one sadly passed away last month. I have them set up in quite a grand habbitat, dispite the stupied sugestions my pet store made, such as "putting a 25 watt light bulb in" to make them "more active". so i cant identify my reamining newt, who is quite happy and freindly with the little CFB that ride around on his back from time to time.
I would clissify him as a Taricha Granulosa (rough skinned) or Taricha torosa (california newt) im not sure about the naming thing, i think he is from the genus torosa, but I don't know what species. I have looked at alot of photos, and the looks just like the califonia newt, down to the eyelids and everything, but he also looks just like a rough skinned, with is native to bassically the same region. anyone have any ideas on how to figure this out, I know he came from a petco in seattle, whos manager i talked to , but she said it was a paddletail, which it is clearly not. HELP!! I wish i could find my stupied digital camara, but these pics i attached all look like him.<center><table border=1><tr><td>
pictues of similer newts
2 picsnewt.doc (182.8 k)</td></tr></table></center>
I would clissify him as a Taricha Granulosa (rough skinned) or Taricha torosa (california newt) im not sure about the naming thing, i think he is from the genus torosa, but I don't know what species. I have looked at alot of photos, and the looks just like the califonia newt, down to the eyelids and everything, but he also looks just like a rough skinned, with is native to bassically the same region. anyone have any ideas on how to figure this out, I know he came from a petco in seattle, whos manager i talked to , but she said it was a paddletail, which it is clearly not. HELP!! I wish i could find my stupied digital camara, but these pics i attached all look like him.<center><table border=1><tr><td>
2 picsnewt.doc (182.8 k)</td></tr></table></center>