How to create a Java Moss Wall

I think christmas moss will work as well as java moss but it grows at a slower rate, so be patient. It will probably take many months.

And do keep an extremely watchful eye on the fish and axolotl, especially keep an eye out for any signs of damage to your axies gills and limbs. I would be a bit paranoid about it personally.
I too am planning to do one of these "living walls" as a divider/natural filtration for my guppy/cherry shrimp tank.

I have a ton of java moss and have acquired the zip ties now i just gotta find some green mesh.

Wal Mart sells "plastic canvas" but i need to go to a craft store to get it in dark green.

So this weekend i shall go a searching!
good on you man.

They aren't quick, but a little patience and slowly and surely they grow.
good on you man.

They aren't quick, but a little patience and slowly and surely they grow.
LOL i have raised 2 girls through their teens i got patience since they are still alive!
Okay so this morning we made a moss wall for our new yabby (Abby).

We got 2 little tubs of java moss, 4 peices of thick clear plastic mesh (in the knitting section of craft store, people use it to make hideous knitted bags), fishing wire and suction cups (from pet store). We cut and sewed the peices of mesh to the right size with fishing line, then cut holes in the mesh to (perfectly) fit the suction cups in. Then we spread out the java moss and sewed the two peices together (all through the middle and edges) with fishing wire to keep the moss in place. I think with clear mesh it looks a lot nicer while it's still growing, and the fishing line is much prettier than cable ties :happy:






But, after Abby's first few hours in her new tank, tragedy has struck! I came to check on her and couldn't find her anywhere - she was stuck behind her moss wall! I un-suction cupped it, and helped her out, but I'm so worried for her! I read if they get stuck somewhere while they're moulting, and don't get out of their shell in 15 minutes, they die - and she'll be moulting heaps at this age.

I've left it just loosely sitting in her tank now, so she can't get stuck behind it, but I don't know what to do. I could either move it into my axolotl Barnaby's tank until she gets big enough that she won't get stuck (but that would be months, it's made to fit her tank so it will look silly in his tank, and I'm worried it might try to attach into his tank and I'll kill it by moving it back into hers?), or if someone has any idea how to attach it in her tank so that she wont be able to fit behind it anymore? She's about 1.5cm long at the moment, and so fragile looking!


The craft store Michaels sells plastic mesh for 47 cent a sheet! It is only about 12 x 15 inches or close to it.
How well does Java or Xmas moss grow with no light?
I'm going to be making a mesh lid for my axie tank, so there will be some light, but I don't have an actual lightbulb over their tank (in order to keep the temperatures down.)
Here is my java moss wall


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I've just bought some plastic mesh! So pleased when I found it in a craft shop :D Pretty much the right size too. The java moss I have is all tiny peices though so I may treat myself to some ebay shopping :rolleyes:. Do I need anything between the mesh and the glass to protect the wall of the tank? I can imagine it getting all algae-fied back there...:confused:
Daaaz! Are you out there?

I've just made a moss wall and am insanely curious as to how yours is looking after these few months.
Can one also use that gutter guard mesh if you cant find the right mesh for it(bunnings had none nor did miter ten grrrrrrr)
I joined this party and made a java moss wall too. Used the same craft plastic mesh as Biance. It has been going since pre Christmas and doing ok but I was kind of hoping for better. However, now that it is in place I guess it can take as long as it needs to.

I used moss out of two different tanks and one batch is growing well and the other is not. I suspect I might end up with some bald patches and I'm not so sure what to do about that. In the good patches, there is plenty of moss growing through the mesh typically 2-3 cms. Does anyone know how to thicken it up to hide the mesh? Do you mow it like a grass lawn (trim with scissors?)

Just made this! How long does this take?! haha I'm seeing months.. oh no!
well, i'm a week in, and starting to see new growth through the mesh, so its all good! Plus, Roscoe loves clinging to it, the corner is his new fave hangout. Think they're gonna love it when it's all fluffy!
Has there been any new posts on this topic of late from you guys that have made a moss wall? Mine must be 9-10 months old by now. Progress was initially slow but as the months have passed the moss seems very vibrant and thick in some parts now where the moss was more successful. I unfortunately have a few thinner patches where moss from a different source didnt work as well that I need to stuff some more vibrant moss in to try to fix those problem spots. I must post a few pics. Does anyone trim / mow the moss wall....I guess you have to eventually?
How do moss walls go without light? I haven't got a light in my tank and was wondering if this would still be a viable option for me? The tank isn't in direct sunlight but it would get some sun....

Also what is the maintenance with fertilizer and trimming and stuff?

I am so keen to try this but worried it will fail :(
My moss wall grows fine without a tank light. No ferts either. No maintenance so far too.

It was a fun project to build it and I'm overall happy with the outcome and can see that it will be a good tank background and a nice hiding place for my cherry shrimp to grow and keep cleaning the tank.

Java moss supposedly doesnt require ferts or tank lights as it still grows in low light. I'm assuming it does need some light so not sure if a tank was in a windowless room.

Java moss in my experience has been fairly idiot and bomb proof, one of the supposedly easiest plants to keep alive and grow.
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