How many pellets to feed my axolotl?


New member
Sep 8, 2018
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Wisconsin, USA
United States
Hello, I am still quite new to owning an axolotl. I am unsure of the age of mine, but I am guessing that he is still young as he is not very big compared to pictures that I have seen. I am trying to get him to eat earthworms but he doesn't seem to love them so i have been supplementing with pellets. I have been using the Hikari carnivore pellets and he seems to love them, but I am not sure how many is too much because it seems that he could eat a lot of them.

If I give him worms he will eat about half of one and thats is and if I give him pellets he will eat 3-4 and still look hungry. Also I have seen the rule of thumb that their body should be the same size of their head, and his is a bit smaller.
I remember having the same problem girl, he always looked hungry after I thought I fed him enough until, he started getting sick. I mean he started floating upside down, he looked like he was going to die. So i advise you 3-4 pellets everyother day, but dont forget to change up his diet. You can also try beefheart? Mines is just getting ajusted to it. I hope that helps.
Generally feed until they stop eating, every axolotl is different so you will learn over time how much he needs. One of my axolotls will eat 2 huge nightcrawlers and still hunt around for more, my other axolotl will eat one every 2 days. Half a worm sounds perfectly fine for a young axolotl, as for the pellets maybe try 5 and see if he's happy with that.
If you can post a pic of him we can see if he is skinny, or okay.
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