tecncically you can keep them in uncycled treated water as long as you are testing and doing water changes regularlly. If there are plants to help out, even better. Having water from a cycled tank and/or rocks and filter parts from a cycled tank can jump start it too. It is still best to wait for the tank to get cyled to avoid crashes and other things.With all the water changes it may take a bit longer. Secret is test water, change water frequently.I still recomened cycleing first, for it is easier to balance out the mini ecosystem with less chances of crashing.
If the water is bad for living, the axolotls will also tell you with their behavior. If you see that, very sad, best to stick with water testing.
How many of you have cycled water in your axolotl fridgerator hospitals? If you treat for bacterial infections or fungus, cycled water out of the aquarium can keep contaminating the sick axolotl and it will take FOREVER to get better. Just treated water and some aqua salts for me.
just all I have to say. I do cycle and test before putting monsters in water, If I didn't I wouldn't get the water testing/chem position i just got offered. Its early, I hope I didnt leave anything out or repeat myself too often.
Sabrina- I have an all make house. Have not have any problems. Pink axolotl claimed the long rock cave I made but he lets black axolotl nap in it sometimes. Good luck with your axolotl house. 4 axolotl will be fine, just remeber to give them each their own sleeping spot. They will share but they also like a place to call their own.