Housing - how many Axies



I have a 300 liter (66 gallon can it be ?) aquarium - mesurements: 150 x 40 x 60cm. Now I have 2 ladies-axies (around 1 year old) in it, together with a few guppy's.
I would like to have two more axies (also ladies) , is this OK in this aquarium?
Please some advice, about how much could have max im my aquarium?

By the way an other question, can it cause any problems to have all axies of the same gender in one aquarium (all ladies) because honestly I would prefer to not having babies (because they have most of the time a lot of them and I would not know what to do with all this little ones) ?

Thanks for the help and advices
firstly, id get rid of the guppies, because ideally they need heated water, whereas axies prefere unheated water.

i would say in your tank you could have 5 or 6 axies.

i dont know whether you can get any problems with having axies of the same gender, but i know females can get broody, so it might be better to add a male.

with regards to the babies, and the fact that they lay lots of eggs:

this is true, but if you leave the eggs in the tank, and let nature take its course, you will find that very few eggs will survive, because the other axies will turn them into axiesnax.

you dont need to rear them all, and im sure there are lots of people that would be more than willing to take either the axie eggs or babies off you. or if not, you could post a for sale ad on caudata, im sure someone would want some. and if not then im sure local pet shops will take on a few.
coz rearing axolotls are sooo much fun, just check out the baby axie pictures on the pictues bit, and maybe you will change your mind.
i hope this has ansered your question

(Message edited by Ed on November 28, 2006)
With that tank size you could possibly have another 3/4 axies in the tank. No problems with having axies of same gender in tank. We separated our males and females (once they matured) esp. during the colder months as we didn't want unwanted eggs. With 10 axies, it's more than enuf at the moment to cope with. Saying that we are looking after 10 babies (from a friend's axie ) as well for my sisters.

<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>Quoting alex carpenter on Tuesday 28 November 2006 - 21:08 (#POST112838):</font>

there are lots of people that would be more than willing to take either the axie eggs or babies off you<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

For the amount of eggs that can be lain (my friends had 400 eggs first batch/500-600 eggs 2nd batch within a few weeks) and if you even decided to rear 50-100 babies there will never be enuf people interested in taking them. What invariably happens is axie babies that can't be sold to friends/family or thru other means end up at the local petshops (in some cases in poor conditions, overcrowding etc.., as many of you know).

So just having the same gender saves you a lot of time, money and hassle.

Just make sure you quarantine any new axies for 30 days prior to introducing them to your main tank, so nothing nasty or illness gets transferred to your healthy ones. If you don't have a spare tank use big plastic storage bins or something similar.

(Message edited by kapo on November 28, 2006)
I have a 120cm long tank *4ft* and it houses 4 axies with no problems at all. I havent read Kapo or Carpy's posts (laziness on my behalf) but you might wanna remove the guppies (every 2nd post on this forum will tell you why). You could have a total of 5-6 axies in your tank, I think.
ive got a a breeding pair in a a tank thats about 2 foot long 62cm-31cm. would it be ok for them?
Concerning the guppies and the heat - no problem my aquarium is unheated (19°) apparently the guppies got used to it !
There are actually there to produce food and fun (of chasing) for my Axies. This week again one female guppy is missing and my Mrs. Hyde had a big stomach

For the breeding, it's sounding / looking interresting but her around me - in Germany - not a lot of people seem to be attracted by Axies. So I don't think I could give a lot of them away ! So I think i will only buy 1-2 female Axies more.

Thanks for the response.
the guppys will live in a cold water but obviously its not ideal. What happens is they stop breeding.

Either way they are food.
@ Atilla - It's not ideal. Ideally you'd want a (minimum) 3ft tank for two axies. A 2ft tank is generally best for a solitary axolotl.
aww i was told that it was 1 foot per axolotl, well thast what the the guy at the aqurium told me:S but they seem happy and they dont fight or naffin.
I didn't say it wasnt possible, but considering an axolotl can grow up to 30cm / 1ft in length (albiet rarely happens) 2 adult axies would be too big for a 2ft tank. A 2ft tank can house 2 young axies with relatively no hassles but it isn't "ideal", which was my entire point.
yeah that's nearly 1ft long, from memory 1ft is equivalent to 30cm. I mean you *can* put them both in a 2ft tank, but it's never nice to be cramped, is it?
hahahaha guess what...i got a 4ft tank getting a heiem external canister next week :D
Good job. I'm picking up a 4ft tank and a stand for $100 today; cant decide whether to get more axies or let my girlfriend buy the bearded dragon she's been pining for lol
hahahaha kool....my tanks in my room ins huge...still cycleing it
good stuff...It can take over a month though so you have a long wait ahead :p
not really ive got cycled water alreadyy
that ive put into the tank and insted of water changes i just add water in:D
Im not sure if that works...I think if you take the filtration and the airation out of the water the bacteria dies (dont quote me on this i might be going insane)...Also if you're using a new filter you wont have established bacteria in the filter media, etc - I might be wrong though
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