Herping Trip- Mar 27-Apr 03, 2010 (Open Invite)


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Jul 1, 2008
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Roanoke, VA
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As some of you know I'll be hosting another herping trip this coming year in Virginia, from April 03-10. I'll be renting a house on Smith Mountain Lake this year so I'd to get an idea of how many people will want to attend so I know how big of a house to get. This is an open invite to ANY member, if you think you'll be attending or even just want to attend for a day or two just let me know in this thread or by PM.

Saturday and Sunday (3rd and 4th) will be laid back days to give everyone a chance to get situated, acquainted. and rested up because the rest of the week will be pretty busy.;)

To give you a taste of what we could find; this thread is from last year's trip, while this thread and this thread are from a new area we will be visiting. We will be hitting all points in Virginia from the Virginia Beach area, to Shenandoah National Park, to an area along the NC/Tenn border. So you'll get to experience all kinds of different salamanders and their habitats.

Of course we won't spend the whole time just herping, there we be other non-herp things we'll do. I do have some things tentatively planned so once they become concrete I'll post those details here as well.

Since we'll be right on the lake make sure you bring a fishing pole if you like to fish. This will be a great time of the year to catch bass and catfish.

Hope to see y'all there.
I don't think I ever planned on going away and hoped it would rained all week until now.
Wow this sounds pretty cool and looks even better. Considering making the trip, would be really nice to go with a bunch a people into this great area.

Just have to psych myself up for the 15 hour drive (which I know will be worth it ;)).

Definitely excited to see more details as the time gets closer.

I'm afraid to drive my new car there, that drive is jinxed for me!

Anyway, I'll say that Justin is a great host, and knows how to show a herpin' good time, and that you'll all love it.

This year, though, my time off will be in Sept. for a trip to OR and WA.
Gah! Same dates as my sister's wedding! Well, that and I split up my vacation to go to Microcosm in September.:D
Well at this point I cannot see why I would be unable to attend so this sounds exciting. I know of a few good salamander spots if you want to make a stop in the New River Valley area.
I'll keep that in mind Chip. We have to pass right by you anyways to get to a few of my areas (which I am sure you know which area I am referring to).
I'm psyched. I really hope I can make it down there this year!
Ok change of plans since I forgot Easter was on the 4th (thanks Dawn). So the NEW dates are March 27th-April 3rd.
Hey Justin I'm planning on being there with ya all. At this point its just a question of if I am coming with James or possible Dave from Mich or Chad from Ohio. Details will all get worked out in the next week or two. Can't wait, let it rain.
I'm there!!!! Last year was awesome and the memories from that trip will always be relevant. Can't wait for the new adventures ahead. I'll try my best to keep up with Justin. Last time around he beat me on every outing we had, finding more species than me. Or was it the other way around?
Justin I will just book my flight xD. No not really.... I wish :D 1000€ its lot of money.
Good luck guys!
I will be there March 29-April 1! I hope to find some beauties! Rubers will be nice to see in person.
I wonder how many caudata members will be there. I should order a caudata shirt just for the occasion. I hope to see a a decent amount of you guys there!!! Everyone should bring a camera or something to document the trip in their own way.
Or was it the other way around?

You wish!!!!!:p

Jaymes, as of right now there should be at least 15 caudata members there at some point in time during the week.

For those that attended last year; we will be going to a few of the same spots as last year but there will also be quite a few more new spots and species to see this time around. I know we didn't have time last year but this time I sat half a day aside so everyone can stop by my house to see my zoo, there will be a $5 cover charge to see it (joking about the cover charge).

If you're wanting to attend any of the days, or just want to meet up with us for a day or two, please let me know ASAP if you haven't done so already.
Quite tempted to go. What are the sleeping and travel arrangements (travel when there I mean) ?
John, I rented a house on the lake for us to stay in. A couple are electing to stay in a nearby hotel.

I'm not sure exactly what you mean by travel arrangements when you get here?
Surely we would have to drive between locations unless the salamanders all live in a commune? :)
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