New member
Okay so I'm new here and have come to request advice regarding one of my sick salamanders. I have 3 small tiger salamanders that I have had since they were larvae in a bioactive tank. They have been enjoying it and burrowing into the substrate. About 2 weeks ago I remade the enclosure (digging up all of the salamanders in the process) and they all looked great. Yesterday I found that one of them (that had been buried since) that came out looking like this. Im not sure what happened while he was underground if he just needed food or accumulated some sort of sickness. He hasn't accepted any food and just looks so miserable. I separated him from the others and tried to squeeze some mashed up night crawlers into his mouth. I think he reluctantly got some down. The other 2 are doing great and are vigorous eaters. He made it through the night but is in a worse state, he can barely move. The poor thing is barely holding onto life. I'm struggling to find a nearby vet and am not sure if he'll make it through the drive if I do find someone. Any advice to help in the meantime?