Help Axolot Not Pooping? Maybe Stressed?? IM A NEW MOM


New member
Apr 29, 2019
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United States

I’m a new axolot owner I’ve read a few things before buying one. My axolotl is named Lucifer (Luci). I’ve have her for a week now and I haven’t seen her poop in five days? This is a little worrying for me. I feed her 1 cube of blood worms a day. I keep her temperature around 65-60 degrees sometimes it goes up to 70-75 but I make sure to but an ice bag in there and cover her tank till the temperature drops down. My cats also like coming by my 10 gallon tank to stare at her and play around.

I’ve been noticed she might be a bit stressed is there a reason why? Her gills look pointed toward. That and her back is a bit arched or bent when she’s just chilling on the ground. I have a filter, fake plants, and two rocks. She used to have a mini house to hide in but it broke outside when I was cleaning the tank. I’m trying to find her another one. I’ve tried giving her a mug but she doesn’t seem to like it.

I’ll attach some pictures of her she’s fairly small like about 2-3inches.
Does your tank have a substrate or bare bottom? Is your tank cycled? What are your water parameters?

For cooling, the top should be open it helps to cool it, a solid lid traps the heat. Instead of ice get a regular house fan to blow the top for cooling. When mine were in a temporary 10 gallon tank I clipped a 6" desk fan near by and it cooled the tank by 5°F
Hello! I wish I could give more advice but I thought I might try to ease your mind a little. My axolotl recently went 5 days without pooping as well and I was panicking even though he acted normally, and he eventually passed it with no problems. Just keep in mind that it’s not always a scary issue if they don’t go for a while! If the problem persists I hope somebody else will be able to give you some better advice.
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