We've had our two little monsters about a week now, and have been trying a few different food sources out on them. Initially I bought a container (punnet?) of earthworms, and a tray each of frozen brine shrimp and frozen blood worm.
The first day feeding we tried the earthworms, and after a little coaxing both of our Axies realised that a hand nearby is worth investigating! After a couple days of worms, my wife had no success with the brine shrimp and the blood worm so I gave them a go. We found that both were too small for the axies to see (our guess, most of the brine shrimp is under 2mm, and the blood worm is up to about 4mm long) so I formulated a plan!
Using the little blister package cell that the brine shrimp comes in I only opened it a tiny bit, and holding it infront of one of the monsters so that they knew it was food time, I wait until they start to open their mouth then I squeeze the package a little so that it squirts some of the shrimp in. These guys learn pretty fast (except when swimming into glass is concerned), and they started to only open their mouths a little bit, instead of the bit chomp they do for worms.
For the blood worms I do almost the same, but as it wasn't in individual blisters I make my own package using cling wrap (or a small plastic bag would work too) and folding a corner then pricking it so there is a hole for the blood worm to be sqeezed out, kind of like a cake decorator!

Squeeze out enough of the blood worm so the axie can grab a hold, but not bite the bag, when they have a hold then squeeze more, they will even have a bit of a tug'o'war with you.
After reading about raising guppies on here I thought I would investigate that option too, we have a smaller tank (freebie from a family member) that we set up to grow some plants in, which would work well. So after talking to one of the guys at our favourite pet shop (Best Friends - Geelong *plug*) I decided to get a couple of juvenile mollies (about the same size as adult guppies) to see if our axies would go hunting. Well this afternoons investigation revealed one of the mollies missing, so my wife decided that it was out female axie that had not eaten... well after a little chasing around the tank and a comment of "gee this fish is slippery" the female axies expression turned from "isn't it food time yet" to "Hey look, food!"... you can guess the rest.
So soon it is off to Best Friends to get the substrate and guppies for the breeder tank!
errr, sorry about the long, hijacking post, :dizzy: