It is not really the price of this tank that bothers me, as it is second hand it is believable. But after looking at his web site and just finding out he has two shops this is his living if it was a hobby I could understand but as a business it does not make sense, even with cost of raw glass with other materials and man hours etc he can't even be making £10 profit, and tanks are not really things you can mass produce by hand.
I just made a 4 footer for a friend and used 2 tubes of silicone at £7.99 wholesale price and I did small clean joints...God know's how many tubes they use on each tank!
As your tank is 10mm I am not inclined to doubt it's quality, the excess silicone is just an eye saw if you see it that way of course.
I have e-mailed the company hopefully they will answer all my questions!
Dragonlady:will you be my mummy?