Illness/Sickness: Golden Albino Axie won't eat?


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Aug 15, 2015
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I currently have 3 axolotls, Lottie, Gluttony and Hohenheim.
Hohenheim is my golden albino and has for reasons I can't discern he has stopped eating.

My other 2 are eating fine and happy, I've checked my water and the levels and temperature are all good.

Hohenheim is hungry and while occasionally expresses that he does not want to eat a worm most often reacts and comes to me for food.
I've managed to get the worm in his mouth but it usually gets spat out quickly or on a few occasions was fully swallowed and then a minute to three minutes later rejected and spat out.
He has an easier, though messier, time trying to eat bloodworms... unfortunately being an adult those aren't enough for him not to mention many that get swallowed end up leaving through his gills.
Besides wanting to eat a worm and trying to eat bloodworms I can manage to get him to keep down a few axolotl pellets. He has no interest in eating the guppy I got for him.

Can anyone think what might be wrong? If there is anything else I can try or an alternative food source that I haven't thought of?

Here is to hoping someone can help! Thanks for your time.

Weird picture I know but, one of my more recent ones. For some reason he enjoys just sitting on my hand. He likes to swim up and sit on me. hoping to find something I can place in the water for him to rest on higher up.


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Have you noticed if he has been pooping? Is he floating at all?
Do you have frozen axolotl food cubes available to you? I don't know if it's an exclusive thing to Australia but it's usually helped when my axies haven't eaten anything else. They're a mix of various minced aquatic food and bloodworms.
Have you tried cutting the worms into smaller sections in case he is having trouble eating a whole one?
He isn't floating and doesn't appear constipated or bloated. He moves around normally, walking and swimming as he pleases. He poops a little, in relation to how much I've managed to feed him. Which sadly is not a ton.

I haven't found Frozen axolotl food cubes, though I have the frozen bloodworms. I'll definitely look around and see if I can't find or somehow order some.

I've tried whole worms and small segments. He has more luck getting the larger worm into his mouth oddly enough, So far small pellets and bloodworm cubes are working best.
It isn't enough though. He has lost some weight. I need a more nutritious and fulling meal for him. Really hoping frozen axie food exists in Canada!!!
As much as I have searched, I have had no luck finding the frozen axie food cubes in canada. Only found them available in Australia.

Has anyone else encountered this problem or have any suggestions?
That's a shame about the food. It's always helped when my axies have refused worms. If you have time you could google some diy food maybe.
How has the eating gone the past couple of weeks? Still only eating pellets and bloodworms? If that is all they are eating offer the food a few times a day just so they are eating enough.
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