<blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>Sergé Bogaerts wrote on Tuesday, 21 February, 2006 - 13:15 :</font>
"but I don't believe they were captive bred. "<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
neither do I!!!
However I don't blame Stefan, it's hard to resist buying such a beautiful animal! What annoys me is how easy it is to find wild caught gigliolii for sale in Europe. Calabria and in particular one place has become the gigliolii's SAFEWAY. Everyone who wants gigliolii goes there, collects a few and some even sell them when they get back to their country!
(Message edited by franceschino on February 23, 2006)
"but I don't believe they were captive bred. "<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>
neither do I!!!
However I don't blame Stefan, it's hard to resist buying such a beautiful animal! What annoys me is how easy it is to find wild caught gigliolii for sale in Europe. Calabria and in particular one place has become the gigliolii's SAFEWAY. Everyone who wants gigliolii goes there, collects a few and some even sell them when they get back to their country!
(Message edited by franceschino on February 23, 2006)