The PH tests around 8.2 because AZ has many minerals in the water making it "hard". I have seen it referred to lower, higher, softer, harder, I just use those terms because that's how people refer to water where I'm originally from, sorry. The green moss has brought it down to 7.4, I just got a better water testing kit yesterday. I found my old tester was not so good when all the spring waters even recommended ones from this site were testing at 7.4. Peat moss is not that easy to get around here,really, but I will keep checking this week at stores but the place where I got the live tubifex has closed already for the day. Ok I've done some reading and I don't really remember much about buffers, tannic acids and tannates;high school chemistry was so long ago. Maybe if he ever returns to water I'll look into filters, one thing at a time. Plus I don't want to stress him out more than he is. thanks