I'm really sorry if I've confused any of you guys, but I'm not on this web page as an expert. I came accross it when I did a Google search for my original question of getting rid of a salamander. Not being a biologist, or an expert on anphibians or reptiles, I really did think I knew my newts, from my lizards from my salamanders (in fact, to be honest, I thought that Gecko and Salamander were almost the same sort of thing). Thing is, although as you all say, that this thing I have (apparently a Gecko called T. Mauritana) is a lizard, they don't look like lizards. My garden is teaming with what I have always called lizards, but they don't get into the house, where as this other thing, which is a lizard and I didn't think it was, because to be quite honest, to me, it doesn't look like a lizard, in fact, completely different, well ok, it has a tail, four legs and a head, like a lizard does.
Not being a qualified expert, hobbiest or manic about this things, I think I did pretty well trying to describe what I have, and in fact, some of you came very close, and two of you hit the nail. Thanks guys.
Apologies to Jesper for confusing a lizard with a gecko! What was I thinking!!!!