Just an update:
I finally got the Cynops Orientalis today. There's good news and bad news.
I found them in a slightly crowded tank with guppies and African dwarf frogs. It must've been warfare in there because the newts were smothering and tackling the frogs, and there were various wounds on the newts. I felt like walking away from the purchase, but my mom would've killed me if I did (the place is kinda far and gas prices are high these days).
The first one I chose was active in the water, had no wounds, and was nice and plump. The second one I chose looked healthy to me at the time, but when I brought it home I noticed a toe missing. I thought nothing of it because it'd grow back eventually. Then, while it was swimming around, I noticed a large wound on the right side of its mouth (underneath the bottom lip). I quarantined it immediately in a spare 4.5 gallon tank. This is the bad news. The injured newt refused food. I went out and got some polysporin and dabbed some on the wound. Hopefully the newt doesn't have an infection and the wound will heal up. I also want it to get eating ASAP because it's not plump like the other one.
The good news is that my other newt is doing great. She's plump, healthy, and eats plentifully. Right now she has the 25 gallon tank to herself. The injured newt will have to stay in the smaller tank until the wound heals up. I probably shouldn't have gotten them from that store but they were only $5 each. I'll post some pictures in a new thread once I can get a good shot.