I am at a Friends house and we found 3 eastern newts i cant post a picture because they don't have a camera that i can use they are about 2 inch's long what should i feed them?
To get them to start eating, you first need good care, use one of the other aquariums you mentioned to house them, here is a care-sheet Caudata Culture Species Entry - Notophthalmus viridescens - Eastern Newt
For foods, to get them to start eating, feed them wax worms to get them to start eating (nothing can resist wax worms) and start feeding them chopped and whole earthworms, sinking newt pellets, and bloodworms. Remember to read the care sheet!
Anytime I've had trouble getting this species to eat chopped/cut up earthworms are my go to. If they are efts that still works good, or any small insect or larvae that moves around to attract them.
Efts will consume springtails, young isopods, and very small worm bits. I prefer to use only the tips. You can also use d. melanogaster, but do not oversaturate the tank/vivaria. This will lead to the newts hiding to avoid over exposure. A good rule of thumb, for terrestrial caudates is that if the prey is so numerous that they are crawling on the newts(at all) the newts will curl in and not demonstrate a feeding response. If they are (green) aquatic stick to daphnia, live worm bits, and a limited amount of flightless fruit flies(D. melanogaster) on the water's surface. Garden worms are harder to collect than buying, but are the most natural food prey you can offer. They are also a staple in the diet. The fruit flies will not be consumed(ordinarily) if drown, so if you offer them, net the uneaten/dead flies out after offering. The worms will survive a day(as long as the water is not stagnant), but care should be taken to remove these as well. Most adult Eastern newts will be quite opportunistic. Brine shrimp are relished, but also will impart an abundance of salt, and should be offered at times, but not a staple. The newts will greedily consume them, but they should be offered sparingly. If you have vernal pools, you can collect fairy shrimp, and these can be offered on a more consistent basis than Brine. You do run a risk of pathogens, but I do know many keepers who will dip-net for live aquatic foods as long as you can be sure the water is stable, and uncorrupted. I hope this helps.
yes I have some pic's
and Aaron I googled it and nothing related so if you find anything pm me
here's 3 of them (we found more after the first post)
here's one posing for the camera
here's my filter
here's a top view
here's a front view I got the tank from my dad it's 15 gallons
Add a piece of floating cork bark as well, or at least something which they can use to get out of the water for a while. If you add plants, you can also throw in some snails (pond or ramshorne snails). They mostly eat dead material and their feces is more easy for microbes to get rid of than the feces of your newts.
Xavier I am planning to go down to the crick near us to get plants soon
and Niels D I will make a float today
and how should I feed them? I seen people putting bowls under water full of worms for axies will that work for these guys?
I put some worms in a bowl in the tank I hadn't put any in because I couldn't find any (it had not rained in 2 weeks) as soon as I put it in and put one of the sallys in the bowl he/she looked around and then ate a big fat juicy worm yum!
I put worms in the tank today and put the newts in 1 at a time and 3 of them ate a worm also
one of the females looks fat so it looks like the males are doing there job
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