you should not be owning animals if you have this sort of attitude. When you take an animal into your care you need to provide with what it requires to live, not force it to live under the care you want to provide it with.
Yes, Well thats exactly why I have done EXTENSIVE research. I don't sit at my computer for hours looking at all the sites about fire-bellied newts for nothing. I'm just trying to understand the other side of the fact. Half the sites say 50% water land, and half say 75% water and 25% land. Some even say 75% land and 25% water. So how can you expect me JUST to follow what YOU say when there are a dozen other people saying the opposite. I am trying to understand both sides of opinions, so please do not state that I do not know how to take care of animals, I don't spend dozens of hours preparing for them and annalizing every site for no reason. Ask my parents, the computer has been clogged up ever since I learnt about fire-bellied newts. And what YOU think it needs to live , OTher people don't. I need to find a balance between this and not come to un un-rational desision. If I do find that it is better for me to get something more largly known as terresrial then I will do so, but at the moment no one is giving me any suggestions of what types of salamanders are, and the biggest point of WHERE to get them.