snip "OK so "all" you have to worry about with chiggers is the urge to itch? They're not in themselves harmful? "endsnip
Hi John,
I can relapse if I get bit by another infected tick and miss it... so I do worry about it a little.
Chiggers are far worse as
1) they bite you whereever your clothes are tight against your skin (waist band, socks, collers, shoes, etc
2) the itching doesn't go away in a short period of time, you can itch for up to two weeks (and are covered with little red bumps)
3) the itching is far far worse than any mosquito, black fly or no see um bite I have ever had.
Unless I am really bushwacking, I do not use a lot of repellant. Anymore I wear long pants, and either tuck my pants into my socks, or tape the end of my pants down to my socks/shoes. I then spray that area with a repellent and then add a band at the waist of my pants. This keeps usually keeps both the ticks and the chiggers off of me.
Justin, if you think you are tough, when you are back in the states remind me to introduce you to European Hornets (see http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/ent/notes/Urban/eurohornet.htm) (which are not quite as bad as the Japanese Hornets....
Hi John,
I can relapse if I get bit by another infected tick and miss it... so I do worry about it a little.
Chiggers are far worse as
1) they bite you whereever your clothes are tight against your skin (waist band, socks, collers, shoes, etc
2) the itching doesn't go away in a short period of time, you can itch for up to two weeks (and are covered with little red bumps)
3) the itching is far far worse than any mosquito, black fly or no see um bite I have ever had.
Unless I am really bushwacking, I do not use a lot of repellant. Anymore I wear long pants, and either tuck my pants into my socks, or tape the end of my pants down to my socks/shoes. I then spray that area with a repellent and then add a band at the waist of my pants. This keeps usually keeps both the ticks and the chiggers off of me.
Justin, if you think you are tough, when you are back in the states remind me to introduce you to European Hornets (see http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/ent/notes/Urban/eurohornet.htm) (which are not quite as bad as the Japanese Hornets....