First Tank

Sounds good!
I plan on cleaning it every Monday and Spot cleans everyday.
So i Should be good to go!
Thankyou for the help!
I'll send you updates on my Tank and Water Temps!
I'm still in High School and it my parents rules.

Shouldn't you be in school right now? LOL

Yeah, I got a Cold.
Than last night a drank some...... so that didnt help.
So just a extra day to make sure my Axolotl will be safe in his/her's new home!
I want the best for it!
Since you seem so anxious to get your are not gonna like this post. It sounds like you have recently acquired your tank, so you will most likely need to cycle the tank before your axie moves in. You can read up on cycling here... Caudata Culture Articles - Cycling. It can take up to a month, but it ensures your axie's water is suitable for him.
hi sean to keep my room cold i closed the vents in my room and added a fan this keeps my room about 60 f it also can be chilly to sleep in though so you may need 2 comforters. lol. i live in sc and in the summer i know it gets hot i was planning on moving my axies to a cooler in the summer time. also when doing water changes i plan on adding some cold water like i do with my goldfish tank. another idea i read online is to use frozen water bottles. anyways when you first get your axie you will have to place him or her in a tupperware container while your tank cycles. thats what im waiting on at the moment since im also new to the axie world.
Yeah my Biology Teacher is helping on it.
He has Three Axolotls ands breed more than an Army of them.
Its a pain in the tail.....I messed up Twice so far.....

I dont have a kit to myself tho
Can someone point me to a good brand?
Can someone google this and tell me if it's good?
I already have a filter but this does it too.:happy:

HEXA Cold Wind COOLING FAN for FISH TANK aqua plant


JEBO Aquarium Fish Tank Multi Fan Cooling System
I have an idea for you because I used to have a fan, and it only lowered it about 5-8*F. If your tank is at 75* and it's winter, you might be in trouble when it becomes summer. I made my own chiller for about $100, and it lowered my tank temperature by about 15*F.
If you look here at example number 5 Caudata Culture Articles - Cooling, this is where I got my idea. It's pretty much the same, except I am using a small used dorm fridge ($40 off craigslist), not a box of ice. I bought a pump (about $40) and am pumping aquarium water out of the tank (with tubing $15 for 40 feet) and into the fridge (you can put the tubes in the freezer to make it even colder), and then the water gets cooled and pumped back into the tank. You could make it even colder depending on how many coils of tubing you have inside the fridge, and the size of your tube. My tank was in the 50s and I had to turn the fridge up so that my axies would be more comfortable (60ish now). Of course you have to have room for a dorm fridge... but this is fairly simple an much cheaper then a good $600 chiller! Just an idea!
hi sean

i use a similar cooling idea as hotchiksu but i run it from the filter(a canisterFilter) into a freezer and then back into the could also put your filter (if you have a canister filter) in a esky(cooler) with ice or frozen bottles around it.

Yeah, I just want to get the fans for now.
I drew up ideas for a a water cooler and feeding hose into my tank.
It just money is short. I have to get a V- day gift for my girl, than in two months I have to buy a plane ticket to Californa and that's about $800.
So after a month or so I will have a better set up! I have very BIG plans for my tank!!
I love Axolotls and I want to have a farm of them when I move out!
Well I got my fans about a week or so ago.
I was really shocked at the results. Two single fans droped my tank about 10 degrees.
I have my tank at 64
I haven't put my axie in my tank yet. He's a little too small so I have him in my holding tank.
Thank you for the advice guys!!!
Plan on posting pictures soon. My axie(Janus) is to small to see in the picture.
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