See:I feed my fire bellies what I believe are tubifex worms, they have the shape and size as black and red worms I believe, but are a pink earthworm type color. I was wondering if anyone can help me identify these worms and comment on their nutritional value. Also, would a diet of these worms, plus blackworms be a good balanced diet? I would also feed them small crickets, as I'm trying to get a pair of Ambystoma Opacum and would have a supply of crickets, but I was wondering if it works out since the fire bellies are mostly underwater.
I don't know about tubifex, but blackworms are not a good source of calcium. The best calcium-rich food you can use are earthworms, so I strongly recommend including them in the diet. Indeed, it's not easy for aquatic newts to eat crickets. But the opacum can certainly share the chopped earthworms.