In regards to female bettas, they can be just as aggressive as males. I have read about alot of people on other threads who have housed female bettas together and ended up with only one in the end. Some have had success with it, especially if the girls were raised together and are in a big tank with many of hides. However, like I said they're a ticking time bomb. They can be fine for years, but then one day, one of the girls can be in a bad mood and BAM! Females are probably commonly housed together because the understanding of the care requirements for the bettas is very low. And as for females with males, this should on be done if trying to breed your bettas, which is serious work. You can expect one or both bettas to be torn up in the process. Last, in response to the zero diseases in four years, I have personally known someone who has kept a goldfish in a bowl for years without any diseases. It has been in constant stress. The signs are there, you just need to know what to look for. Anyways, I hope I didn't come across too hard. I know I have made mistakes before too.:happy: Good luck with your tank. Monitor your animals closely. If there are any problems, have a back up plan ready to go.