I have actually thought about posting about this numerous times, but feared it was kind of a sensitive matter.
But in the end, I TOTALLY agree with what others have said, it does get a bit annoying that people ask the same questions over and over and over again, even to me, a not so experienced keeper.
I honestly wish I was older, because it definitely seems like a LOT of the experienced keepers are gone. All you have to do is go back a ways in the advanced section on something, and you will see all this great info and advice and topics going around, but nowadays, there just isn't as much. Advanced topics seem to get a lot less attention, and usually don't go anywhere. It is very frustrating! It is like I missed all that info. Even if I do go back, if I ask a question, it probably wont get answered, because those great threads are all so old, and the people involved in them gone.
I somehow once was able to get to the old C.org website, before it was all popular, and before the new look and stuff happened. When there was still good old knowledge being thrown around.
When Pin-Pin Wei was still there, and a lot of knowledgeable people. And just few minutes of reading posts on T. granulosa and it was amazing! The knowledge and experience, I could have learned so much from it. But then I left, and I don't know how to get back.
I am not saying that no one is knowledgeable here, its just that the advanced topics are pretty much dead. You ask something specific on the advanced topics, and it probably wont get answered. I don't know, maybe I will try again, but I didn't work the last time.
Like this one:
Nothing. It is a question that I am interested in, because it does seem very peculiar to me, but no one answered.
So here's to the good old caudate, and to hopes that some of them good old knowledgeables will come back........