Sorry to make you gag Tim and sorry if you find my posts sanctimonious. I love your photos and will always enjoy reading your posts. Maybe we should just agree to disagree and end this literally poisonous thread. That's why I hesitated to enter it. Anyway, on the basis that you might as well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb, I'll have another go.
1) You say "when a newt gets chopped up in a filter, it doesn't take a trip to the vet to determine that it's a terminal case and that the animal is needlessly suffering". Shame the right filter couldn't have just been used in the first place (making a choice of mercy-killing method unnecessary) because that is where the problem lies. You say it yourself in one of your posts: "having subsequently lost a newt juvie exactly the same way, I hereby renounce my earlier enthusaistic endorsement of the use of this kind of cartridge filter"... don't make a lethal mistake - sorry, mistakes - don't need to apply euthanasia.
2) Surprisingly, I now find myself agreeing with Ed.
There really is an attitude that amphibians (for which read **newts** almost always, it seems) are another cheap, disposable commodity and not worth professional medical assessment and treament. I have heard and seen it in the UK. Ed has seen it in the US. Anyone can see it on this site from time to time (why I mentioned Pikepop's survival-of-the-fittest approach). Now ask yourself Tim - have a good long think about this one - will threads about what type of lethal solution caudate keepers can use either
a)increase that attitude;
b)decrease that attitude?
3)"Nobody is advocating stocking vials of anthrax next to the newt tank". Maybe there is a bit cultural divide here. "Valium just happens to be the only one I know by name, and it's readily and cheaply obtainable," you write. [I can't recall where you are based - is it the Far East?] Valium is much less readily available ***for people*** here than it used to be (on doctor's prescription) for quite understandable reasons. I handle the "minor" benzodiazepines such as chlordiazepoixide and diazepam everyday at work - these are still potent compounds. YOU might be capable of storing and adminstering these drugs for the "evidently terminal" but, puttting aside the glib remark about vials of anthrax, can't you see that you are opening a Pandora's box of DIY treatments with these pharmaceuticals. People are going to get the dose wrong. There are other risks once they get stored next to the newt tank...
I said there are inexperienced - young! - caudate keepers who pass through here and would previously have found postings inviting them to slice and dice damaged limbs. Not everyone is as sophisticated as you Timmy... now they know mummy and daddy's tablets have another application for that floating axy they have been posting about...
Be careful what you preach.
Two contributors to this thread mentioned animals presenting as 'obviously terminal' although they were not.
Now if someone with such an animal... or someone with the attitude to seeking a Vet Ed was talking about... maybe somone who "just happens" to know where to get some tranqs from, maybe "the only one" they know... but they have read here they can crumble these tablets into a solution... now do you really think you have added to the net balance of pet welfare by publicising such methods... or... maybe...just maybe... get that gag reflex ready Tim... you are opening up a major avenue of potential abuse for the lazy and the inexperienced? There's enough neglect out there already without people using to learn lethal dosages of Valium for the animal that in their clinial opinion is beyond hope. Or as it will be most often - isn't worth the hassle of treament.
You might think your post got twisted.
I think your question slipped down its own slippery slope.
Ed wrote: "A clear decision needs to be made based on the animal's potential quality of life and chances of recovery." To which I'd add BY A VET.
You wrote "When treatment fails [which treament is that then???] and a newt grossly bloats to over twice it's normal doesn't take a trip to the vet to determine that it's a terminal case and that the animal is needlessly suffering." Nope it doesn't but why don't you go to the Vet anyway, to get help or euthanasia. You would for your dog or cat surely?
Wouldn't you???
If you can get Valium freely where you live, lucky you. But best save the tranqs for the human's medicine cabinet, eh, until you see that Vet...