no change as yet, shes had her two doses with no real effect. Called vet to inform him and just had a reply.
He says his sure the retained eggs is the main problem but this may have affected her osmoregulation. He has told me to give her a third and larger dose tomorrow. I'm also supposed to attempt "milking" her in an attempt to release some of the eggs so she can lay the rest herself.
If this is unsuccessful he says it is time for the last resort which would be and operation to remove the eggs. This has a risk of 50/50.
Well thats if for now will give you updates as they happen (probably the end of the week)
Hi bikertj1981,
I apologize now for any rudeness I seem to exhibit when writing this next. However, I hae been trying to keep my peace and let things take their course, but I am honestly amazed that your poor pet has hung on to life so far and honestly couldn't sleep quietly tonight if I don't write something now.
Your poor girl is not suffering from egg retention. This problem simply is not possible with axolotls. It happens with reptiles and, I believe, chickens, but not axolotls. Your girl is suffering from organ failure, which is releasing gas and/or fluid into her body. An ovulation stimulant can only be worsening the problem. "Milking" her will only hurt her more and an operation will only serve to show your vet that he was wrong, give him visible confirmation that the organs are extremely distressed.
Your vet "had a look and took an X-ray". He should have taken a culture from a smear from her cloaca (sorry, I don't know what it is called in English) at the very least.
I honestly have no advice at this point, and if anyone does, I hope they offer it. I would have just sat here, waiting for your death report, but the fact that your lil' girl is still alive has got me cheering for her. I beg you either to get a second veterinary opinion or as your vet to check for systemic disease. Oh, what's it called? Sepsis.
In any case, I have never seen an animal in such obvious distress as yours that lived as long as yours has. I really am rooting for her. I wish her every luck, and urge you again to try and get a second opinion.
Sorry I can't be of more help.