Yes she is red in the face, but she just seems to stay like that. When i first put her in the fridge and she went a little bit red, i thought it was just the soreness of the fungus but it has gotten to the stage of the redness in the picture and just stayed like that. I have had her for about a month and a half to 2 months. Shes had a rough time, because she was bought with fungus. My dad bought another axolotl at the same time and that one died soon after as it had fungus as well. I wasn't able to clean the tank out for a couple of days, as i wasnt home. I did a full clean out, put her back in then put the fungus cure in and it seemed to work. Then about 1-2 weeks later, she had it back again, so i repeated putting the fungus cure in her water. This is when it didn't work and she lost her frilly things in a matter of days. This got me really worried and thats when i joined up to get help. So exactly what should i do. I read that i can use the 'Mercurochrome' or i can buy 'Nitrofura-G'. SO i was just wondering which one you guys would choose if you were in my situation. I was thinking about getting the 'Nitrofura'. But im not too sure. I really dont want her to die. I want her to get better again. So what should i do? Use one of the medications while she's still in the fridge or use it while she's in the tank? Im so confused, i just dont know what to do.