Question: defective tank?

His condition is not getting any better and his tail is curled although he still eats and doesn't hide that much.Any advice:confused:

Hi Chris,

Just a thought...

What is the pH level in the tank? The driftwood may be making the pH too acidic. Is the pH below 6.5?
Out of interest, does your balloon spray bar move in the water?..if it does it may be the reason your axolotl is stressed, it might think there is something nasty about to get him!!;)
Hi:D to answer youre questions jacq:as I said to jay the cave is plastic and bellaboo:the spray bar doesn't move although it creates tiny ripples.I also have good news,the ammonia is down to 0 and I think nitrate is either 0 or 12.5 but I am sure 12.5

:eek:Sorry It says on the packet 0 then 12.5 nothing in he middle but im prety much certain that its 0

edit:sorry i just relised i said on my preivious post that is was the other way round but now Im thinking other wise....but just to be safe is 12.5 to bad?
My nitrate test is bright yellow for 0 and dark orange for 10 - it's not like you could confuse them. How does your test kit work, usually when something is 0 it's a completely different colour to when there's a reading, even if it's a small reading. Are you sure it's reliable?

Are you confusing nitrite with nitrate? Nitrite should be at 0, but if your tank is cycled you should have a nitrate reading (above 60 is harmful I think, but it might be 40). Anything above 0 with nitrite is bad, the higher it is the more harmful it is. The same applies though, on my test kit nitrite is blue when 0 and purple when there's a reading - it's easy to tell the difference.
ah yes I did confuse the two,I thought jennewt said nitrate not nitite I ill check the nitrite today:D
So long as you're doing the daily water changes as recommended and spot cleaning waste and excess food as soon as you see it, you should be alright. Do keep an eye on the numbers though - if there is an excess of nitrite in the water that's probably why he's stressed.
I did a test today and these are my results.




well improved:happy:.Do you guys think I should stop doing the water changes? now they're not much use and seriously spooking Maxie with the current of the container used to scoop out the water.

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  • AxieCrazy:
    Hello. I’m looking for some input. My axolotl is about 7 months old. I came home and her gills are completely white. I was reading that they do shed around this age. Could this be why her gills are white? The ph is 6.5-7. Nitrates are 80 Nitrites 0.5
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1